Playground for combining kotlin-spark, Thymleaf, custom annotations etc
This is where I play around with Kotlin, kotlin-sparkjava, and other technologies. I'm hoping that this repository will at least compile, if not actually do anything useful.
A running version of the app may be found hosted on Heroku.
For commentary and thoughts on my Kotlin experiments, see my blog.
- HTTP server through spark-kotlin
- Page layouts and templating with Thymeleaf; others supported by spark-kotlin may follow later
- The Dependency Injection framework Kodein - bit of learning curve
- Database handling and ORM with JetBrain's own Exposed, which is odd but interesting
- Reflection and annotation processing
- Unit testing with JUnit and nhaarman's Kotlin Mockito
- Making it pretty through Materializecss
I'm avoiding all the traditional big hitters for Java - Spring Boot, Hibernate, JSF2, JSP - as I want to learn more about alternative approaches. I'd like to use as much Kotlin as possible, but I'm not dogmatic about it. Java libraries are allowed.