A brief description of what this project does and who it's for
HPCC-HetComp This directory represents a guide and stack of files required for:
- Compiling OpenBLAS, required to compile HPCC
- HPCC Makefiles, needed to compile HPCC
- HPCC results for our paper for all five of our platforms.
First, we need to shortly describe the procedure of how to prepare these systems for HPCC runs, starting with OpenBLAS.
git clone https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS.git; cd OpenBLAS; mkdir -p /opt/OpenBLAS ; make PREFIX=/opt/OpenBLAS; make PREFIX=/opt/OpenBLAS install
wget https://hpcchallenge.org/projectsfiles/hpcc/download/hpcc-1.5.0.tar.gz
Use the provided configuration file from HPCC makefiles directory for platforms mentioned in the paper
Make-arma72 needs to be renamed to Make.linux and copied to HPCC's hpl directory, if you're working with ARM A72-based platform
Make-jetson needs to be renamed to Make.linux and copied to HPCC's hpl directory, if you're working with NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX-based platform
Make-riscv needs to be renamed to Make.linux and copied to HPCC's hpl directory, if you're working with SiFive HiFive Unmatched-based RISC-V platform
Make-rk1.linux needs to be renamed to Make.linux and copied to HPCC's hpl directory, if you're working with Turing RK1-based ARM platform
Make-x86.linux needs to be renamed to Make.linux and copied to HPCC's hpl directory, if you're working with x86-based platform
After you rename the file in hpl directory, you need to go back to the hpcc directory a level below, and type in the following command to compile hpcc: make arch=linux
After the compilation is done, it's time to use the HPCC configs directory and available files. They're actually exactly the same, so download any one of them, and save it as a file in hpcc directory named hpccinf.txt. After that, just start the benchmark from hpcc directory by typing: ./hpcc