Designed a 32-Bit RISC-V ISA based 5-Stage pipelined CPU in 5 days!! The design involved TL-Verilog coding for a simple pipelined calculator and addressed all the hazards.
Below are the tasks performed in 5-Day worksop -
- Introduction to RISC-V basic keywords
- Labwork for RISC-V software toolchain
- Integer number representation
- Signed and unsigned arithmetic operations
- Application Binary interface (ABI)
- Lab work using ABI function calls
- Basic verification flow using iverilog
DAY-3 - Digital Logic with TL-Verilog and Makerchip (
- Combinational logic in TL-Verilog using Makerchip
- Sequential and pipelined logic
- Validity
- Hierarchy
- Microarchitecture and testbench for a simple RISC-V CPU
- Fetch, decode, and execute logic
- RISC-V control logic
- Pipelining the CPU
- Load and store instructions and memory
- Completing the RISC-V CPU