This repository implements a simple Event Source for looking at an FTP / SFTP server and creating notifications for new files uploaded.
This uses containersource.
Setup Knative Eventing Core
CRD's and Core components should suffice.
Setup Knative Serving
This step is needed only if sink is Knative service. If it is regular kubernetes service , it is not needed.
FTP Server
you could use the simple-ftp-server in config/200-ftp.yaml | \ sed "s/FTP_USER/myusername/g" | \ sed "s/FTP_PASS/mypassword/g" | \ kubectl apply --namespace default -f -
Permit the service account the source runs as to read/modify ConfigMaps. This is necessary as the source uses ConfigMaps to store it's state. If you do not run as the normal service account default/default as per the instructions below, you will need to modify the following file to modify permissions appropriately. By default the file below will grant default service account in the default namespace rights to Read/Write Configmaps.
kubectl --namespace default apply -f config/100-cm_role.yaml
ko --namespace default apply -f config/300-service.yaml
Modify (or create a file like this) ./config/300-sftp-secret.yaml and replace FTP_* entries with real entries for your account and then create the secret:
cat config/300-sftp-secret.yaml | \
sed "s/FTP_USER/myusername/g" | \
sed "s/FTP_PASS/mypassword/g" | \
kubectl apply --namespace default -f -
Please checkout the args that can be given to the FTP source in config/400-sftp-watcher-source.yaml.
cat config/400-sftp-watcher-source.yaml | \
sed "s@SFTP_SERVER@$(kubectl get svc my-ftp-service --namespace default -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')@g" | \
sed "s@SFTP_PORT@$(kubectl get svc my-ftp-service --namespace default -ojsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].port}')@g" | \
sed "s@MONITOR_DIRECTORY@/incoming@g" | \
ko apply --namespace default -f -
Load files in ftp server and you will see logs similar to below in ftp-dumper
kubectl --namespace default -l '' logs -c user-container
and you should see tweets that match your query string. When I look for knative, I might see things like this:
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190323.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:3bf88bb5-db1a-4955-bb38-dbe23a70531b Time:2019-03-23T00:07:57Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc0002260a0 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190323.tar.gz Size:7571337 ModTime:2019-03-23 00:07:57 +0000 UTC}
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190321.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:c2159d70-a5df-4769-a3f9-0c77b3492fea Time:2019-03-21T00:10:55Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc0000d5da0 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190321.tar.gz Size:7571222 ModTime:2019-03-21 00:10:55 +0000 UTC}
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190318.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:d152850a-95b8-4856-a2a6-9bec8ede0a4a Time:2019-03-18T00:07:33Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc0000100a0 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190318.tar.gz Size:7571369 ModTime:2019-03-18 00:07:33 +0000 UTC}
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190324.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:1513477f-5d7e-485a-9357-cfc9277afa55 Time:2019-03-24T00:08:11Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc000010180 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190324.tar.gz Size:7571258 ModTime:2019-03-24 00:08:11 +0000 UTC}
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190322.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:c800a630-6972-463e-9e3c-48c393be3831 Time:2019-03-22T00:08:46Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc000226270 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190322.tar.gz Size:7571216 ModTime:2019-03-22 00:08:46 +0000 UTC}
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190320.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:1cb6445f-45e8-4ecb-a6ad-95b9e78c95bf Time:2019-03-20T00:07:48Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc0000d5ea0 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190320.tar.gz Size:7571323 ModTime:2019-03-20 00:07:48 +0000 UTC}
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190325.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:1fe8f294-3cef-483a-8072-fcdeedced34e Time:2019-03-25T00:08:45Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc0000d5f80 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190325.tar.gz Size:7571243 ModTime:2019-03-25 00:08:45 +0000 UTC}
Got Event Context: {SpecVersion:0.2 Type:org.aikas.ftp.fileadded Source:{URL:{Scheme:ftp Opaque: User: Path:/source/proftpd-cvs-20190319.tar.gz RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment:}} ID:29c38bb5-3fd1-474a-8205-109af5122a08 Time:2019-03-19T00:06:43Z SchemaURL: ContentType:0xc000010260 Extensions:map[]}
Got Data: {Name:proftpd-cvs-20190319.tar.gz Size:7571362 ModTime:2019-03-19 00:06:43 +0000 UTC}