Secure Quiz
A java Platform for quiz where a teacher can add quiz and multiple students can give the quiz at the same time.
- Create a Teacher/Student Account.
- Teacher can add new subject and host multiple quizzes under one subject.
- Teacher can also add solution to a quiz.
- Multiple students can login and give quiz at the same time(from different devices).
- All the students will have the same set of questions in one section but in random order.
- The student is shown with the total obtained marks obtained rank and after the completion of the exam.
- Teacher can deactivate quiz after evaluation is done.
- Separate dashboards for Teachers and Students.
- Option for teacher and students to add subjects taught or studied by them.
- Multiple teachers can teach multiple subjects to different classes and add quizes for there class.
- The questions can be of different types(Multiple Choice Correct MCQs, T/F).
- Passwords are stored in MD5 hashes for security.
For more details
Abhijeet Biswas
Vaishnav Agrawal