Welcome to my repository of advanced C language exercises, tests, and cheatsheets, created specifically for the programming subject I'm currently studying at university. Here, you'll find a range of challenging problems that have been carefully designed to complement university-level programming courses, and cover topics such as memory management, concurrency, network programming, data structures, algorithms, and low-level optimization.
So if you're a fellow student, or simply a curious programmer looking to take your C programming skills to the next level, feel free to explore this repository. I hope you find them as useful and educational as I have!
The repository includes the following resources:
Exercises: A set of advanced C programming exercises covering topics such as memory management, concurrency, network programming, data structures, algorithms, and low-level optimization. Each exercise includes a problem statement, sample input and output, and a solution (in the form of a C source code file).
Tests: A set of advanced C programming tests. Each test includes a set of questions and problems.
Cheatsheets: A collection of cheatsheets and reference materials which provide quick summaries, examples, and tips for common C programming tasks, and can serve as handy reference guides when you need to refresh your memory.
- Strings, matrix
- Structs & Unions
- Pointers
- Dynamic Memory
- Dynamic Data Structures
- File management (matrix, arrays, structs, unions)
- Structs & Unions
- Pointers
- Dynamic Memory
- Dynamic Data Structures
To use this repository, simply clone or download it to your local machine and open the files in your preferred text editor or C development environment. You can work through the exercises and tests at your own pace, and compare your solutions with the provided solutions. The cheatsheets can be used as quick reference guides when you need to look up a particular concept or syntax.
Happy coding!