I'm a Data Scientist at OCBC AI Lab where I build practical Machine Learning systems that serve customers and bring business value. I also...
- 📝 Share the Machine Learning products I built on my Medium website
- 📝 Co-develop agarationchef to share the joy of cooking and baking with the foodie community
- MLOps - Integrate DevOps in ML systems
- My career transition from a Data Analyst to Data Scientist
- A beginner’s friendly walkthrough of the current SOTA NLP model
- Reaching out to underserved areas in Chicago to increase business growth and profitability for taxi companies
- Personalised product recommendations based on customer lifetime value and e-commerce product ratings
- Optimising customer engagement efforts using machine learning: Application on retail banking
- Using Regression Analysis to Predict HDB Resale Prices in Singapore
View the archives on my Medium.
- Developed and tested containerized a ML web service using FastAPI and Pytest
- End to end implementation of a Multi Class image classification app: Dockerized and deployed an app that is trained on ResNet50 on AWS and used Jenkins to facilitate CICD
- Use Google Cloud Platform to perform data analytics and build ML systems
- Leverage anomaly detection algos to detect fraudulent transactions
- Recognising customers’ intent using BERT to improve users’ experience with chatbots
- Personalised product recommendations: Built a recommender system using Spark ALS based on customer lifetime value and their product ratings.
- Check before you cheque: Developed a credit risk model to optimize the balance between potential revenue and expected loss from defaulters
- Targeted marketing campaign: Applied clustering and Gradient Boosting models to classify subscription propensity and deployed Flask app on Heroku