Scientific Object Store based on Openstack Swift
- No code change required for existing HDF5 applications to use object store (A promising HPC storage for replacing current PFS)
- Enable HDF5 to work with any kind of formats/storage using your favourite python library. e.g, FITs, Parquet, ROOT, TensorFlow, etc
(Step 1-3 building time ~ 2mins 35 sec)
Python 2.7.13 :: Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit)
Step 1. Create a data only docker container
docker run -v /srv --name SWIFT_DATA busybox
Step 2. Create a openstack object store (with volume from the existing data container, binding host port 12345 with container port 8080)
docker run -d --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -p 12345:8080 --volumes-from SWIFT_DATA -t valiantljk/sciswift:v3 # need 'docker login' first
Step 3. Start openstack swift
docker ps # to get the containerID of the current running sciswift container
docker exec -it containerID bash # launch a shell for mornitoring purpose, i.e., you will see the openstack swift logs
./usr/local/bin/ # start the openstack swift server, i.e., launching account/object/proxy server process
Step 4. Test openstack swift and sciswift
- Test connection to openstack swift from host
swift -A -U test:tester -K testing stat # can observe the previous mornitoring shell for logs
- Test connection to openstack swift within sciswift container
docker exec -it containerID bash # launch an interactive shell
swift -A -U test:tester -K testing stat
- Test with python-swiftclient
cd /build/sci-swift/examples # within the same container launched in last step
source sourceme
python swift 1.h5 wind 100 100 # create a 100*100 array with h5py and upload this file to swift store
python swift # list all objects in 'swift' container
- Test with HDF5 Swift VOL, the real SciSwift feature
cd /build/sci-swift/vol_plugins/test
./sciswift swift
|-- examples
| |--
| |-- sourceme
| `--
|-- src
| |-- Makefile
| |--
| |-- swift.c
| |-- swift.h
| |--
| |-- swift_vol.c
| `-- swift_vol.h
`-- test
|-- Makefile
|-- readme
|-- test_swift.c
`-- test_swift_vol.c