Checkout SamsonIT/ShowCase to see a working example of how to use this bundle.
Currently, you'll need to follow these steps to ensure the autocomplete will work:
- Enable this and the UnexpectedResponseBundle in your AppKernel
- Make sure the latest JQuery version is loaded (JQuery UI is not necessary)
- Make sure the latest Select2 javascript is loaded
- Make sure the latest Select2 css files are loaded and that the images bundled with it are in place
- Make sure the autocomplete.js file in this bundle is loaded
- Make sure the autocomplete.css file in this bundle is loaded (this one is not all that necessary)
An example of the above requirements can be found in
- Make sure the autocomplete.html.twig form theme is included into twig
Find an example here:
Using the autocomplete is very simple. There are three required options to configure the Form type, and one recommended:
$form = $this->createForm('autocomplete', null, array(
'class' => 'SomeEntityClass',
'template' => 'Template to use to display the entity.html.twig',
'search_fields' => array('list of fields to search in'),
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('s');
The template can be defined as follows:
{% if highlight %}
Found: {{|highlight }}
{% else %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
The highlight
filter will simply do nothing if the highlight
property is false, so this is also a valid template:
{{|highlight }}