TRAILme is a mobile friendly web app that finds hiking trails based on the user's location and range from user location, as well as trail level preference.
Deployed Link on Heroku - TRAILme App Live Link
Project Board Link on Github - Project Board
To make a web app that uses Hiking Project API to gather hiking trails near you.
- The user can find hiking trails near there current location or chosen location.
- The user can find hiking trails within a range distance of their choosed location.
- The user can find hiking trails at a particular level.
- The user can see a hourly forecast for their choosen area.
- The user can view Fitbit activity in their account.
AS a person who is looking for a hiking trail
I WANT to be able to see the nearest trail to my location at my desired skill level
SO THAT I can find a hiking trail that suites what I am looking for
- JavaScript
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Express.js
- React.js
- React Bootstrap
- Node.js
- Auth0
- Heroku
Provider |
Fitbit |
Google Maps |
Hiking Project |
OpenWeather |
- Create-React-App using
npx create-react-app my-app
- @auth0/auth0-react using
npm i @auth0/auth0-react
- Axios using
npm i Axios
- Bootstrap using
npm i Bootstrap
- Compression using
npm i Compression
- Dotenv using
npm i Dotenv
- Moment using
npm i Moment
- Prop-types using
npm i Prop-types
- Google-maps-react using
npm i Google-maps-react
- Node-geocoder using
npm i Node-geocoder
- Express using
npm i Express
- Mongoose using
npm i Mongoose
- Morgan using
npm i Morgan