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Language related files for Varnam [GoVarnam]. See releases to download support for your language in Varnam.


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Language Files

Varnam Language support files. DOWNLOAD YOUR LANGUAGE FILES FROM releases.


  • Download your language support file from releases
  • Extract zip
  • Open a terminal in your extracted folder
  • Run (DO NOT RUN WITH sudo):
./ install

It will ask for your password, enter it. You will also be asked to import words.

To check if installation is successful, try this command :

varnamcli -s ml enthaanu

It should give malayalam output if installation is successful.


Folder structure:

  • schemes
    • ...
    • ml
      • ml.scheme - Scheme File
      • symbol-frequency-report.txt - Symbol Frequency Report
      • Other folders - Different pack folders
    • ...
  • - A placeholder script which will be copied to every scheme folder


A scheme file is a mapping of English characters to Indian language characters. This helps in transliteration using a letter by letter conversion.

The scheme file is compiled to a file called Varnam Symbol Table (VST). Varnam uses VST to do transliteration. VST IS REQUIRED for basic language support in Varnam.

Read more on scheme

Symbol Frequency Report

This file is used to populate weight column in VST

File format:

ക 98
വ 98
അ 98

This file is made using scripts inside scripts folder. It has a README.


A language pack is a set of pre-trained Varnam Learning Files (VLF) that can be imported into any Varnam instance quickly. It has many words in it. It's basically a dictionary file to import words from.

Compiling A Scheme

Install dependencies:

sudo apt install ruby-ffi

Compile scheme:

./compile-scheme.rb -s schemes/ta/ta.scheme -o schemes/ta/ta.vst

The compiled scheme will be a SQLite Database with extension ".vst".

Now link the file to the place where Varnam will look for VST.

sudo ln -s $(realpath schemes/ta/ta.vst) /usr/local/share/varnam/schemes/ta.vst

Now Varnam can use it. Test it out :

varnamcli -s ta nandri