Bake and hold cookies and Transfer cookies using Sawtooth
#Bake different types of cookies You should be able to bake cookies with a name given to it. When cookies are baked, a name should also be be given based on what cookie it is. A cookiejar for a user should support keeping multiple types of cookies at a time. ie A cookiejar might have ‘chocolate chip cookies’ with count 5 and ‘gingerbread’ with count 2 Cookie counts of a type should be incremented when cookies of same types are baked again Count should show the count of all the cookies currently in a users cookie jar #Transfer cookies from one user to another A user should be able to transfer cookies to another user. User should be able to transfer any of his cookies (from all the different types that he has in the jar). User should be able input name and quantity of the cookie to transfer, and the public key of the person to transfer to. (At the end, his count would be decremented and the other persons count will be incremented).