Implementing Naive Bayes Classification algorithm into PHP to classify given text as ham or spam using MySql database.
$classifier = new NaiveBayesClassifier();
$spam = Category::$SPAM;
$ham = Category::$HAM;
$classifier -> train('Have a pleasurable stay! Get up to 30% off + Flat 20% Cashback on Oyo Room' .
' bookings done via Paytm', $spam);
$classifier -> train('Lets Talk Fashion! Get flat 40% Cashback on Backpacks, Watches, Perfumes,' .
' Sunglasses & more', $spam);
$classifier -> train('Opportunity with Product firm for Fullstack | Backend | Frontend- Bangalore', $ham);
$classifier -> train('Javascript Developer, Fullstack Developer in Bangalore- Urgent Requirement', $ham);
$category = $classifier -> classify('Scan Paytm QR Code to Pay & Win 100% Cashback');
echo $category; // spam
$category = $classifier -> classify('Re: Applying for Fullstack Developer');
echo $category; // ham
Download the project and extract zip.
Create database in MySql-
- mysql> create database naiveBayes;
- mysql> use naiveBayes;
- mysql> create table trainingSet (S_NO integer primary key auto_increment, document text, category varchar(255));
- mysql> create table wordFrequency (S_NO integer primary key auto_increment, word varchar(255), count integer, category varchar(255));
Open a terminal and move to project folder
Edit database connection info in db_connect.php file
Execute main.php
php main.php