It is a Decentralized Voting Application on the mumbai testnet that allows users to conduct completely fair and transparent election campaigns without any bad practices. Users can also take part in any of the ongoing campaign and cast their vote.
- Backend: Solidity, JavaScript, Remix, Hardhat, Node.js, Alchemy and Metamask.
- Frontend: Javascript, CSS, React.js and Ethers.js.
- Unit Testing: Chai.
Anyone can create an election campaign after filling the basic details like election title, description, upto 3 candidates name and time perion for how long this campaign should last.
Users can go to Vote Section and cast their vote on any one candidate of a campaign they find suitable.
A single address can vote only one time on a particular campaign.
After the duration of a campaign is over our Smart Contract will automatically select the winner on the basis of vote count and users can see the winner from the dashboard itself.