_ _ _
| | | | | |
| |_| |__ _ __ ___ __ _ __| |_ __ ___ __ _ _ __
| __| '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
| |_| | | | | | __/ (_| | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | |
\__|_| |_|_| \___|\__,_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|
Still in early stages of development. Email me any suggestions you have on varvolta@gmail.com
Create and execute tasks in real cpu threads in NodeJS. (ES6 imports for now)
Threadman doesn't use any dependencies. It's based on workers.
npm i threadman
new Thread(fn, args, options?, priority?).run(callback)
import { Thread } from 'threadman'
let number = 10
const fn = (number) => number + 20
const args = [number]
const callback = (result) => number = result
new Thread(fn, args).run(callback)
'fn' runs in a sandbox and returns the result in callback. After you get the result you can access the main scope again and reassign variables. 'fn' can be async.
import { Thread } from 'threadman'
import md5 from 'md5'
let string
const fn = (md5, string) => md5(string)
const args = [md5, string]
const callback = (result) => string = result
new Thread(fn, args).run(callback)
import { Thread, Pool } from 'threadman'
import md5 from 'md5'
let data
const fn = (md5, string) => md5(string)
const args = [md5, string]
const callback = (results) => data = results
const pool = new Pool()
const thread1 = new Thread(fn, args)
const thread2 = new Thread(fn, args)
Callback returns all the results from thread runs in an array
new Thread(fn, args).run(runCallback).catch(catchCallback)
import { Dispatcher } from 'threadman'
// Sets maximum parallel threads count.
// Defaults to system with 'os.cpus().length'
Dispatcher.config.threads.maxParallel = os.cpus().length
// Automatically stops the thread after returning the result.
// Defaults to 'true'.
Dispatcher.config.autoStop = true
// Enables thread logs.
// Defaults to 'false'.
Dispatcher.config.logs.enabled = false
// Sets the logger.
// Defaults to 'console'
Dispatcher.config.logs.logger = console
const thread = new Thread(fn, args)
thread.on('start', onStartFn)
thread.on('stop', onStopFn)
thread.on('done', onDoneFn)
thread.on('error', onErrorFn)
thread.off('start', onStartFn)
thread.off('stop', onStopFn)
thread.off('done', onDoneFn)
thread.off('error', onErrorFn)