pyTelegramBotAPI + botan
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
from pyTelegramBotAPI_botan import Botan
bot = Botan("telegram_bot_token", "metrica_api_token")
set up 'start_prompt' function as handler for /start command in private chat every call of this handler automatically track to metrica with name='private.command.start'
def start_prompt(message):
bot.reply_to(message, "Hello, private chat!")
set up 'member_left' function as handler for event, when any member left group chat automatically track with name='group.left_chat_member'
def member_left(message):
bot.reply_to(message, "Oh, we lost him :(")
set up 'member_help' function as handler for callback query in group chat, that contain "help_button_pressed" substring in automatically track with name='group.callback.help_button_pressed'
def member_help(call):
bot.reply_to(call.message, "Someone need help in our group!")
available decorators: