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simple library that allows you to create a bot telegram with the language C


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Lib C Telegram Bot

simple library that allows you to create a bot telegram with the language C
The library exposes methods to work in multithreading special thanks for jsmn

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


This library requires CURL
Clone project

$ git clone
$ cd LibCTelegramBot


The makefile exposes several tools to simplify building and software development, at end of the building will result library in the directory "build_shared"

$ make


developers can create an executable instead of the library, building the "main.c" like this will test faster changes to the library itself.

Build application

$ make tst

Build with debug

$ make dbg

Build and profiling with gprof

$ make prof

Build and profiling with valgrind

$ make valgrind
$ make valgrind.view


The installation will copy the headers in the directory "/usr/include/tgb" and the library "/usr/lib"
you can edit "" for change destination directory and other library flags.

$ sudo make install


always with makefile

$ sudo make uninstall

Create your bot

Use Template

simple way to create a bot is to use the template.
just copy, rename the directory and write your bot.

$ cd template
$ cp -r ./bot_singlethread_shared ./mybot
$ cd ./mybot

add your code in "src/main.c" and build with

$ make

you can install your bot

$ make install

for edit option compiler need change file ""

How Work

Single Thread

  • Init libtgb
  • in loop call api tgb_get_update()
  • get structure tgbUpdate
  • execute your bot
  • loop

Multi Thread

  • Init libtgb
  • Init Thread
  • in loop call api tgb_get_update()
  • get structure tgbUpdate
  • call action in other thread
  • loop


Telegram send json message with very large number of optional variable.
for this reason all the contents of the structure, except for the integer values, ​​are pointers they will be NULL in case of missing parameter.


err_t type return 0 for success or negative number for error.

check a file exist in your local directory

err_t file_exist(char_t* name);

convert int64_t to char string

char_t* i64toa(char_t* d, int64_t s);

init a telegram lib

err_t tgb_init(tgb_s* t, char_t* token);

release all resource of telegram lib

err_t tgb_destroy(tgb_s* t);

free data in tgbUpdate structure, you need call only in main thread, when you pass this structure in the action you not need to free.

void tgb_free_update(tgbUpdate_s* fr);

fill structure tgbUser with reply of telegram method getMe

err_t tgb_get_me(tgbUser_s* out, tgb_s* t);

each time you receive one or more messages must be confirmed receiving them, otherwise they will be sent back

err_t tgb_confirmed_updates(tgbGetUpdate_s* opz, tgbUpdate_s* u, int_t n);

fill vector structure tgbUpdate with reply of telegram method getUpdates

int_t tgb_get_updates(tgbUpdate_s* out, uint_t sz, tgb_s* t, tgbGetUpdate_s* opz);

telegram use a varius escape sequence, you can copy "s" into "d" with _writer, "d" and "s" are autoincrement, return char copied

err_t tgb_writer(char_t** d, char_t** s);

telegram method sendMessage

err_t tgb_send_message(tgb_s* t, tgbSendMessage_s* opz);

telegram method forwardMessage

err_t tgb_forward_message(tgb_s* t, tgbForwardMessage_s* opz);

telegram method sendPhoto

err_t tgb_send_photo(tgb_s* t, tgbSendPhoto_s* opz);

telegram method sendDocument

err_t tgb_send_document(tgb_s* t, tgbSendDocument_s* opz);

telegram method sendSticker

err_t tgb_send_sticker(tgb_s* t, tgbSendSticker_s* opz);

telegram method sendVideo

err_t tgb_send_video(tgb_s* t, tgbSendVideo_s* opz);

telegram method sendVenue

err_t tgb_send_venue(tgb_s* t, tgbSendVenue_s* opz);

telegram method sendContact

err_t tgb_send_contact(tgb_s* t, tgbSendContact_s* opz);

telegram method getFile

err_t tgb_get_file(tgb_s* t, tgbGetFile_s* opz);

telegram method kick

err_t tgb_ban(tgb_s* t, tgbBan_s* opz);

telegram method leave

err_t tgb_leave(tgb_s* t, tgbLeave_s* opz);

telegram method unban

err_t tgb_unban(tgb_s* t, tgbUnban_s* opz);

telegram method getChat

err_t tgb_get_chat(tgbChat_s* out, tgb_s* t, tgbGetChat_s* opz);

telegram method getChatAdministrator

tgbChatMember_s* tgb_get_chat_administrator(uint_t* countOut, tgb_s* t, tgbGetChat_s* opz);

telegram method getChatMember

err_t tgb_get_chat_member(tgbChatMember_s* out, tgb_s* t, tgbGetChatMember_s* opz);

init multithreading, with max "count" thread

err_t tgb_async_init(tgbAsync_s* ta, uint_t count);

send action to thread, thread autoresume and execute tgbAction_f function

err_t tgb_async_action(tgb_s* t, tgbAsync_s* ta, tgbAction_f fnc, tgbUpdate_s* up);

call _end after end of call all actions.

err_t tgb_async_end(tgb_s* t, tgbAsync_s* ta);

release multithread resources.

err_t tgb_async_destroy(tgbAsync_s* ta);


you can view structure in api.h file
the elements names of the structures reflect those of the messages received by telegram
check element NULL if mark optional.




  • vbextreme


  • copyright vbextreme 2017

This project is licensed under the GPL v3 License - see the file for details


simple library that allows you to create a bot telegram with the language C







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