Ansible role. Ansible Linux library of tasks.
Feel free to share your feedback and report issues.
Do not run this role. It's a collection of independent tasks. The purpose of this role is to provide a library of reusable tasks. Include them in playbooks and other roles.
Tested with Ubuntu Supported Releases.
See defaults, vars, and source of the tasks.
- Install the role
shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.linux_lib
- Include or import a task from vbotka.linux_lib in a playbook, or in any other role. For example,
shell> cat test-linux-lib.yml
- hosts: host1
- include_role:
name: vbotka.linux_lib
tasks_from: install_package.yml
ll_ipkg_list: [wpasupplicant, wpagui, net-tools, ifupdown, wireless-tools]
- Run the playbook
shell> ansible-playbook test-linux-lib.yml
Use the configuration file .ansible-lint.local when running ansible-lint. Some rules might be disabled and some warnings might be ignored. See the notes in the configuration file.
shell> ansible-lint -c .ansible-lint.local