This is how I wrote my first Gruntfile to work comfortably with the Kube Framework. In this project I set up my environment to do some automation on tasks that I was used to manually perform.
Here is the list of the ones I integrated in this first iteration of my real workflow:
- clean
- concat
- uglify
- less
- autoprefixer
- imagemin
- watch
Each one of the tasks listed above is really useful to forget about things that bore you (image compression, css/js minification, etc.), but the real turning point for me is the autoprefixer and the watch task.
What I've found very useful is Chris Coyier's article on 24ways: it's straightforward and gave me the basis to start diving into this wonderful piece of task automation software because, you (probably) know better than me, we're not robots and so we shouldn't behave like such!
I finally made this my mantra: whenever possible, automate!
Maybe things are messy or probably not at their best in terms of gruntfile best practices, but as this was my first iteration of this file I know it's setting the ground for improvements and, last but not least, I'm pretty satisfied with the results!