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NLP Telegram Bots based on ruGPT3Small

Problem Statement:

The project aims to create Telegram bots capable of engaging in natural language conversations in a specific style or manner. The challenge is to fine-tune a pre-existing language model (ruGPT3Small) on custom datasets to adopt particular communication patterns or personalities. This involves:

  1. Collecting and preprocessing conversation data from specific sources.
  2. Fine-tuning the ruGPT3Small model on this data.
  3. Implementing the fine-tuned models in Telegram bots.
  4. Hosting these bots for user interaction.


Base Model:

ruGPT3Small, based on GPT-2 architecture Pretrained on Russian language texts 125 million parameters

Fine-tuning Process:

Used Hugging Face's Transformers library Implemented using PyTorch Training script: (Causal Language Modeling)

Data Processing:

Custom scripts (, for data extraction and preprocessing

Tokenization using GPT2Tokenizer

Bot Implementation:

Python-based Telegram bots (, Integration with fine-tuned models for response generation


Bots deployed on an vds server for continuous operation


Model Performance:

Training loss: 1.5335 (as seen in the training output) Evaluation perplexity: 61.5162 Accuracy: 0.5105

Bot Functionality:

Two separate bots created: "Avtobus" and "Polkson"

Bots capable of generating responses in their respective styles Implemented features:

  1. Responding to direct messages

  2. Replying when mentioned in group chats

  3. An "insanity mode", when bots reply to all messages in a group, that can be toggled on/off

User Interaction:

Bots successfully deployed and accessible via Telegram Capable of engaging in conversations, mimicking specific communication styles based on their training data


Response generation limited to 128 tokens Potential for generating inappropriate content, requiring careful prompt engineering and possibly content filtering

The project successfully demonstrates the ability to fine-tune a pre-existing language model for specific conversational tasks and deploy it in a practical application through Telegram bots. The resulting bots can engage in conversations with users, adopting particular communication styles based on their training data. For future improvements, considerations could include:

Expanding the training dataset for better performance Implementing more sophisticated content filtering Optimizing the model for faster response times Adding more interactive features to the bots

Link to finetuned models:

Base language model used in this project:


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