The repo/script demonstrates a sample encryption technique where KMS data key is encrypted using HSM generated public key for break glass privileges. In event where KMS is not available the encrypted output can be decrypted using HSM.
- Connect to SoftHSM
- Generate RSA 2048 key pair
- Export RSA public key
- Call KMS GenerateDataKey, which provides encrypted and plaintext data keys
- Generate output which includes encrypted input value using KMS and public key encrypted KMS plaintext key
- Decrypt value using KMS and HSM
Follow directions here to install localstack. This provides a local AWS development environment
brew install softhsm
Depending on your install, the homebrew will install SoftHSM at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/softhsm/2.6.1/lib/softhsm/
After SoftHSM has been been, the following command can be used to initialize the token required by the unit tests:
softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label "ForKMS" --so-pin 1234 --pin 1234
If using localstack for AWS, then generate KMS key
awslocal kms create-key
"KeyMetadata": {
"AWSAccountId": "000000000000",
"KeyId": "90cdf930-0e4d-44a8-b802-30150ec31d11",
"Arn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:000000000000:key/90cdf930-0e4d-44a8-b802-30150ec31d11",
"CreationDate": "2023-04-20T10:07:40.067652-07:00",
"Enabled": true,
"Description": "",
"KeyState": "Enabled",
"Origin": "AWS_KMS",
"KeyManager": "CUSTOMER",
"CustomerMasterKeySpec": "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT",
"EncryptionAlgorithms": [
"MultiRegion": false
Export the key ID to environment
export KMS_KEY_ID="90cdf930-0e4d-44a8-b802-30150ec31d11"
go run cmd/crypto/main.go
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Connecting to SoftHSM
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Connected to HSM
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Generating RSA Key Pair
2022/12/21 16:23:03 RSA-2048 keypair generated.
2022/12/21 16:23:03 - Private Key : 3
2022/12/21 16:23:03 - Public Key : 2
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Exporting Public Key to ./hsm_public.pem
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Public Key:
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Initializing KMS Client and Session
2022/12/21 16:23:03 KMS Client Initialized
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Calling KMS Encrypt
2022/12/21 16:23:03 KMS Encrypted Value 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
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Calling KMS Decrypt
2022/12/21 16:23:03 KMS Decrypted Plaintext: Vishal
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Calling HSM Decrypt
2022/12/21 16:23:03 HSM Decrypted Plaintext: Vishal
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Closing HSM Session
2022/12/21 16:23:03 Disconnected from HSM