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isomiR tools

List of tools updated 01.01.2021 (Cite: Glogovitis, I.; Yahubyan, G.; Würdinger, T.; Koppers-Lalic, D.; Baev, V. isomiRs–Hidden Soldiers in the miRNA Regulatory Army, and How to Find Them? Biomolecules 2021, 11, 41.

Tool name Type Tool Features Year Authors Journal
(DOI number)
miRMaster Web ● Quantification of miRNAs and non-coding RNAs
● Discovering of new miRNAs and isomiRs
● Discovering of new miRNAs and isomiRs
● Quantification on known and novel miRNA with miRDeep2
● Preprocessing (adapter trimming, quality filtering, read collapsing)
● Mapping with Bowtie to various ncRNA (rRNAs, snRNAs, snoRNAs, scaRNAs, lincRNAs, piRNAs, tRNAs)
● Exogenous miRNAs mapping with bacteria and viruses
● Used for validation used samples from lung and blood samples from PAX blood RNA pool
2017 Tobias Fehlmann et all. Nucleic Acids Research

Open Access


10.1093/nar/ gkx595
QuickMIRSeq Linux ● Quantify miRNAs and isomiRs
● Avoid of multiple mapping issue of reads of identical sequences
● Clustering and grouping of identical and similar sequences
● Trimming adapters, collapsing, joint mapping with Bowtie
● Remapping reads with mismatches to a reference genome to further reduce the number of false hits
2017 Shanrong Zhao et all. BMC Bioinformatics

Open Access


10.1186/s12859 -017-1601-4
iMir Linux
● Identification of miRNAs and other sncRNAs, such as piRNAs
● Adapter trimming, quality filtering, differential expression analysis
● Analysis of sncRNAs and novel miRNAs
● Identification of isomirs using miRanalyzer
● Using miRAnalyzer and miRDeep2
● Statistical analysis to remove low expressed sncRNAs
● Differential Expression using Deseq Quantile normalization
● Target Prediction using TargetScan and miRanda
2013 Giorgio Giurato et all. BMC

Open access


10.1186/1471 -2105-14-362
MIR-isomiRExp Web ● Analyze the expression patterns or miRNA/isomer levels
● miRNA maturation and processing mechanism at isomiRs levels
● Using MirBase DB, mapping with Bowtie
● Differential expression using Deseq
● Analysis at the isomiR levels based/independent on miRNA locus
● Arm-switching analysis
2016 Li Guo et all. Nature

Open Access


10.1038/ srep23700
miRNAgFree Linux
● miRNA prediction based on biogenesis features (known 5’ homogeneity) and isomiR duplex forming
● Uses the sRNAbench preprocessing
2017 EL Aparicio et all. BioRxiv


isomiRID Linux
● Identification of 5’, 3’ and polymorphic isomiRs
● Identification of non-templated 5’ or 3’ end and variations
● It could be applied to every organism (plants + animals)
● Detection of isomiRs with one mismatch
● Mapping in pre-miRNAs with Bowtie
2013 Luiz Felipe Valter de Oliveira et all. Bioinformatics


10.1093/ bioinformatics/ btt424
MIRPIPE Web ● Rapid and simple browser-based miRNA homology detection and quantification of miRNAs
● Read counts from isomiRs of the same miRNA are combined.
● Using FASTX-tollkit, Cutadapt, BLASTN
2014 Carsten Kuenne et all. Bioinformatics


10.1093/ bioinformatics/ btu573
CASMIR Standalone
● Sequence-oriented isomiR annotation which allows unbiased identification of global isomiRs from small sequencing data
● Alignment against canonical and precursors from miRBase
● Discovering of canonical, 5’, 3’, polymorphic, mixed type, non-templated isomiRs, quantification using miRDeep2
● In-house trimming and size filtering
● BLAST with in house custom isomiR-BLAST alignment tool
● Differential expression performed with a Poisson regression model combined with a quasi-likelihood approach and AUC based on methods of DeLong and Clarke-Pearson
2018 Chung Wah Wu et all. BMC Genomics

Open Access


10.1186/s1286 4-018-4794-7
IsomiR-SEA Linux
● Provide users with a complete and accurate picture of the miRNAs, isomiRs and conserved miRNA:mRNA interaction sites
● Provide accurate miRNA and isomiRs expression levels
● Use a specialized algorithm for alignment
● Evaluates the positions of the encountered mismatches in analyzed tags
2016 Gianvito Urgese et all. BMC Bioinformatics


10.1186/s12859 -016-0958-0
DeAnnIso Web ● Detection and Annotation of IsomiRs from sRNA se- quencing data
● Еxtract the differentially expressing isomiRs with isomiRs expression, isomiRs classification from paired or multiple samples
● Tissue specific isomiR expression
● Using Bowtie and BLAST with miRBase
● Normalization with RPM
● isomiRs’ classification, 5’ isomiRs, 3’ isomiRs, isomiRs with internal modifications, templated and non-templated
● Target analysis and enrichment analysis of isomiRs with miRanda or RNA hybrid
2016 Yuanwei Zhang et all. Nucleic Acids Research


10.1093/nar/ gkw427
IsomiRage Windows
● Identification of miRNA variants (canonical miRNAs, templated and non-templated isomiRs)
● Detects and groups all 3’-,5’- and trimmed variants
● Uses reference sequences from miRBase
● Classification of isomiRs according to the type of modification (uridylation, adenylation,etc)
● Mapping performed with Bowtie with no mismatches to reference and custom genome
● Normalization with RPM and read counts that can be used for comparisons of fold changes and other downstream analyses
2014 Muller Heiko et all. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology


10.3389/fbioe. 2014.00038
QuagmiR Standalone
● Designed for the detection and annotation of heterogeneous isomiRs
● Provide extensive customization of the process and reference databases according to user’s diverse research needs
● Can be used to analyze both private datasets and the public datasets that are available to authorized researchers through the CGC
2018 Xavier Bofill-De Ros et all. Bioimformatics


10.1093/ bioinformatics/ bty843
Jasmine R + Java ● Identification of isomiR populations.
● Propose a comprehensive isomiR nomenclature
● Uses curated miRBase annotation.
● Adapter trimming (trimmomatic, cutadapt)
● Collapsing trimmed reads (fastx_collapser, fastq _to_fasta from FASTX-toolkit), Quality control (FastQC)
● Mapping with Bowtie with at least one mismatch
● Uses miRBase database
2019 Xiangfu Zhong et all. Bioinformatics


10.1093/ bioinformatics/ btz806
CBS-miRSeq Linux
● Color-spaced raw reads
● Read length distribution, summary of adapter removal, mapping statistics, and raw expression count matrix of known miRNAs.
● Using Bowtie with reference genome
● Differential expression analysis using Deseq2, EdgeR
● Identifies isomiRs using miRspring
● Predicts novel miRNA candidates using miRDeep2
● Predicts the most consistent miRNA:mRNA unique pairs, using RNAhybrid, miRanda
2019 Rupesh K. Kesharwani et all. Computers in Biology and Medicine


10.1016/ j.compbiomed. 2019.05.019.
sRNAtoolbox Web ●Expression profiling of small RNAs, prediction of novel microRNAs, analysis of isomiRs
● Differential expression using DESeq, edgeR, and NOISeq
● Target prediction onuser-provided input data based on Miranda, PITA and TargetSpy
● Visualization of sRNA expression data in a genome context using jBrowse
2015 Antonio Rueda et all. Nucleic Acids Research


10.1093/nar/ gkv555
sRNAnalyzer Web ● miRNA profiling strategies for isomiRs
● Detection of potential SNPs in miRNAs
● Uses Cutadapt, Printseq, FastX for preprocessing and Bowtie for mapping; MirBase and MirGen DB
● Use of LPM (local probability mapping) strategy to increase mapping specificity
● Extensive rRNA and tRNA filtering steps to enhance the accuracy of exogenous RNA mapping
● Exogenous RNA mapping process using sRNAnalyzer
2017 Xiaogang Wu et all. Nucleic Acids Research

Open Access


10.1093/nar/ gkx999
mirPRo Linux ● Quantify known miRNAs
● Predict novel miRNAs and miRNA family expression quantification
● IsomiRs identification and categorization
● Arm switching detection
● Using Novoalign, HTSeq and pre-miRNAs from miRBase
● Using DESeq to perform differential expression profile analysis for known and novel mature miRNAs
2015 Jieming Shi et all. Nature

Open Access


10.1038/ srep14617
miRge Standalone ● MirGeneDB miRNAs were used to assemble positive clusters (known miRNAs and tRNA, snoRNA, rRNA or mRNA were used to assemble negative clusters (known non-miRNAs)
● Identification of isomiRs
● Novel miRNA detection
● Preprocessing with Cutadapt and mapping (Bowtie)
● Using miRbase and miRGen DB
● Detection of A-to-I editing
2015 Alexander S. Baras et all. Plos one

Open Access


10.1371/journal. pone.0143066
miRDis Web ● Systematic annotation of known miRNAs and other noncoding RNAs based on read mapped regions
● Prediction of novel miRNAs and noncoding RNAs through assigning ambiguous reads to unique genome region with well-predicted RNA structure
● Detection of candidate exogenous miRNAs transported from dietary species
● Using FASTQC, Cutadapt, Bowtie and EdgeR
2017 Hanyuan Zhang et all. Briefings in Bioinformatics

Open Access


10.1093/bib/ bbw140
miRMOD Windows ● Identifies and analyzes miRNA 3’ and 5’ modifications (non-templated additions as well as trimming)
● Using Bowtie with reference genome/pre-miRNA
● Provides useful statistics about various types of miRNA modifications along with its frequencies.
● Target alteration analysis
2015 Abhinav Kaushik et all. PeerJ

Open Access


10.7717/ peerj.1332
mirTools 2.0 Web ● Detection of various types of ncRNAs (miRNA, tRNA, snRNA, snoRNA, rRNA and piRNA)
● Identify miRNA-targeted genes
● Performs functional annotation or miRNA targets (GO, KEGG, PPI)
● Detect differentially expressed ncRNAs with RPM and the Bayesian method
● Detect novel miRNAs using miRDeep
2013 Jinyu Wu et all. RNA Biology


10.4161/ rna.25193
Chimira Web ● Sequences are automatically cleaned, trimmed, size selected and mapped directly to miRNA hairpin sequences
● Identifies epi-transcriptomic modifications in the input sequences.
● Alignment with BLAST to miRbase and differential Expression of miRNAs using Deseq2
● Modification profiles of 3’ and 5’ and internal modifications, uridylation, adenylation and internal modifications or variations of the miRNAs.
2015 Dimitrios M. Vitsios et all. Bioinformatics


10.1093/ bioinformatics/ btv380
miRTOP Standalone
● Generation of a new file format mirGFF3.
● It is compatible with the commonly used tools output files (sRNAbench, Prost!, isomiR-SEA, OptimiR e.g.).
● Converts mirGFF3 file into several different types such as count matrix, FASTA and VCF formats.
● Open source and community-based project.
2019 Thomas Desvignes et all. Bioinformatics

Open Access


10.1093/ bioinformatics/ btz675
Prost! Standalone
● Aligns reads to a user-defined genomic dataset.
● Groups reads based on their potential genomic origins, seed sequence and annotation.
● Reports frequencies of individual sequence variations with respect to reference genome and the most expressed sequence.
● Uses Cutadapt and FASTX-toolkit for preprocessing, BBMap suite for alignment, MirBase for annotation and Deseq2 for differential expression.
2019 Thomas Desvignes et all. Nature

Open Access


10.1038/ s41598-019- 40361-8
OptimiR Standalone
● Detect genotyping errors
● Suggested the existence of novel miRNAs and highlighted the allelic imbalance expression of polymiRs in heterozygous carriers.
● Uses Cutadapt for preprocessing, Bowtie2 for alignment and miRBase for annotation.
● Uses a scoring algorithm to identify the most plausible alignments.
● Produces a comparison analysis of genotype data provided by the user and the genotype data that could be inferred from the sequenced reads aligned to polymiRs
2019 Florian Thibord et all. Bioinformatics

Open Access


10.1261/ rna.069708.118
isomiRs: Analyze isomiRs and miRNAs from small RNA-seq R library ● Uses as input file the count matrix
● Includes various functions for characterization of miRNAs and isomiRs, clustering, differential expression and visualizations.
● Designed to analyze the output of SeqBuster tool or any other tool after converting to the desire format
● user can control the analysis step by step.
2020 Pantano L, Escaramis G Bioconductor


10.18129/ B9.bioc.isomiRs


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