This is the source code for the Messenger clone application. The app demonstrates how you can build the core functionality of Messenger in Swift, supporting iOS 14+ without any UI-libraries except SDWebImage. Since the app supports iOS 14, the application is built as a hybrid where 95% of the UI is UIKit and 5% is SwiftUI.
Tutorials and a full demo are on my YouTube channel, with articles to accommodate them on my website.
- Coordinators
- Combine
- Modern Swift concurrency
- Supports iOS 14+
- Hybrid; 95% UIKit and 5% SwiftUI
- Firebase
- My custom library FireThel for simplifying redundant Firebase code
- GRDB for local caching of the users
- UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
- Lists created with list configuration instead of UITableViews
- Cells with custom UIContentConfiguration
- Diffable data source instead of UICollectionViewDataSource
- My own custom sheet (a native customizable sheet is only available in iOS 15+)
Here are some screenshots from the authentication flow:
Messenger | Messenger clone |
NOTE: The screenshots are from 2023, but Meta has updated their UI recently.
// chatId is combined of userId + recipientId.
// Will always be unique for the same two users in a one to one chat
// If group chat is supported, a unique id for the chatId
// will suffice (it is not supported at the moment).
|----- chat_room_\(chatId)
|------ lastMessageId
|---- ChatMessage model
lastMessage // the content of the message in MessagesViewController (.value listener on chatId)
|----- chat_room_\(chatId)
|------ LastMessage model
userChats // the amount of chats (.childAdded on userId)
|----- userId
|----- chat_room_\(chatId)
| |
| |----- chatRoomId: chatId
| |----- isMemeber: true
|------- chat_room_\(chatId)
Here is a list of things I would do if I had more time. I may clone the repository in the future and implement them.
- Move all the UI into a separate repo, like Finn. Why? The code is too long, and it is hard to test the components. There is also room for composition.
- Create a cloud function for creating an account. Why? A single operation for authenticating users and creating documents can’t be implemented through Firebase Auth and Firestore.
- Clean up the flows where users and chats are loaded simultaneously. Why? All the errors aren't properly handled, and there is some inconsistency.
- Add the option for group chats and update the components accordingly.
- Clone the repo
- Create a new project in your Firebase console by clicking "Add project"
- Create a Cloud Firestore database and RTDB database
- Enable sign-in with email and password in Firebase Auth
- Add the GoogleService-Info.plist to the project
- Run the app