is a TypeScript/Javascript library for interacting with the Veil markets and trading API.
yarn add veil-js
Note: these are the docs for version 2.0.0, which makes some changes to the Veil
constructor and the createQuote
method. For v1 docs, please go here.
Join us on Discord or email us at
. If you encounter a problem using veil-js
, feel free to open an issue.
is maintained by @gkaemmer, @mertcelebi, and @pfletcherhill.
You can use the API with or without authenticating using your ethereum address. The constructor has the following signature:
new Veil(options: {
mnemonic?: string,
address?: string,
apiUrl?: string = '',
provider?: Provider
Note that the default API is our testnet server. If you want to use mainnet, you must explicitly pass ""
as the third constructor parameter.
Full example:
import Veil from "veil-js";
// Without authentication
const veil = new Veil();
const markets = await veil.getMarkets();
console.log(markets); // { results: [{ slug: "...", ... }], total: 35, ... }
// With authentication
// Note: you must have registered on Veil using this address
const mnemonic =
"unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil";
const address = "0x5b5eae94bf37ff266955e46fdd38932346cc67e8";
const veil = new Veil({ mnemonic, address });
const myOrders = await veil.getUserOrders(markets[0]);
All API methods that return lists (getMarkets
, getBids
, getAsks
, getOrderFills
, and getUserOrders
) return Page
objects that have the following form:
results: [ ... ],
total: 35,
page: 0,
pageSize: 100, // Depends on method
All of these methods also take a optional page
argument, which you can use to fetch additional pages.
Veil markets are built on Augur and inherit the basic mechanics of Augur shares and prices.
A Veil market has two tokens: LONG and SHORT. By holding shares of LONG or SHORT tokens, you hold a "position" in the market. When the market ends, its LONG and SHORT shares are redeemable for ETH, with the rates depending on the market's result.
In yes/no markets (e.g. "Will ETH be above $100 at the end of 2018?"), the payout goes entirely to one share token—LONG if the market resolves to "Yes" and SHORT if the market resolves to "No".
In scalar markets (e.g. "What will be the price of ETH at the end of 2018?"), the payout is split between LONG and SHORT tokens according to where the result (e.g. the price of ETH) falls within the market's "bounds" (set by minPrice
and maxPrice
Note: Together, 1 LONG share and 1 SHORT share are always redeemable for exactly 1 ETH.
The price of a Veil share token is therefore always somewhere between 0 and 1 ETH per share, depending on what the market predicts that each token's payout will be.
- Dates are returned as an integer number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
- Numbers are returned as strings for precision. We recommend using a library such as bignumber.js to perform math on them.
All methods return promises, and can be used with async/await
Fetches all markets, optionally filtered by channel
, rep
, meme
) or status (open
or resolved
). A maximum of 10 markets are returned per page, and you can specify pages using the page
Example response:
results: [
total: 35,
page: 0,
pageSize: 10
See getMarket
for an example market object.
Fetches details about a single market. Example response:
"What will be the 7-day average gas price on the Ethereum blockchain at 12am UTC on December 1, 2018?",
address: "0x4ebfc291176e4b6d0dbd555ef37541681c0c07eb",
details: "For details see",
createdAt: 1543017685308,
endsAt: 1543622400000,
numTicks: "10000",
minPrice: "12750000000000000000",
maxPrice: "14980000000000000000",
limitPrice: null,
type: "scalar",
uid: "4190e964-1e8d-4b11-85b8-ac421634fcda",
slug: "gas-gwei-7d-2018-12-01",
result: null,
longBuybackOrder: null,
shortBuybackOrder: null,
longToken: "0x88596d175e3098d4a4d51195b55153cf4b5058b8",
shortToken: "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
denomination: "Gwei",
index: "gas-gwei-7d",
predictedPrice: "5845",
metadata: {},
finalValue: null
veil.getBids(market: Market, tokenType: "long" | "short")
and veil.getAsks(market: Market, tokenType: "long" | "short")
The getBids
and getAsks
methods let you fetch the order book for a market. You can fetch orders for either LONG or SHORT tokens by passing tokenType
as a second argument (in Veil markets, the LONG and SHORT order books are always mirror images of each other).
Bids are sorted by price descending, and asks are sorted by price ascending, so you can get the spread of a market by comparing the first bid and first ask.
Example response:
results: [
price: "7000",
tokenAmount: "100000000000000"
price: "7100",
tokenAmount: "50000000000000"
total: 45,
page: 0,
pageSize: 10000
Fetches the order fill history in a market for tokens of type tokenType
(LONG or SHORT). Example response:
results: [
createdAt: 1544094244674,
status: "completed",
tokenAmount: "100000000000000",
price: "4320",
side: "buy",
uid: "dac7a4b5-bed5-4a07-85db-f5ff97a7f3d1",
total: 45,
page: 0,
pageSize: 100
veil.createQuote(market: Market, side: "buy" | "sell", tokenType: "long" | "short", params: MarketOrderParams | LimitOrderParams)
Creates a Veil quote, which is used to calculate fees and generate an unsigned 0x order, which is required to create a Veil order.
The params
argument must be one of the following types (depending on whether you wish to create a market order or a limit order):
// Create a market order with particular amount of ETH
interface MarketOrderCurrencyParams {
type: "market";
currencyAmount: number | BigNumber;
// Create a market order for a particular amount of tokens
interface MarketOrderTokenParams {
type: "market";
tokenAmount: number | BigNumber;
// Create a limit order
interface LimitOrderParams {
type: "limit";
tokenAmount: number | BigNumber;
price: number | BigNumber;
Note: when passing a
is a number between 0 andmarket.numTicks
, which is normally 10000 for Veil markets (except scalars). A price of 6000 is equivalent to 0.6 ETH/share.
Example response:
uid: "5d93b874-bde1-4af1-b7af-ae726943f549",
orderHash: "0x39c5934cff5e608743f845a8c6950cc897ed75d8127023887d9715fa3c60c27c",
createdAt: 1543510274469,
expiresAt: 100000000000000,
quoteExpiresAt: 1543510334469,
token: "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
currency: "0xe7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
side: "buy",
type: "limit",
currencyAmount: "119550000000000000",
tokenAmount: "50000000000000",
fillableTokenAmount: "0",
feeAmount: "1195500000000000",
price: "2391",
zeroExOrder: {
salt: "35666599517228498817069108086005958238926633694259560734477953229163342485507",
makerFee: "0",
takerFee: "0",
makerAddress: "0x8f736a3d32838545f17d0c58d683247bee1a7ea5",
takerAddress: "0xe779275c0e3006fe67e9163e991f1305f1b6fe99",
senderAddress: "0xe779275c0e3006fe67e9163e991f1305f1b6fe99",
makerAssetData: "0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
takerAssetData: "0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
exchangeAddress: "0x35dd2932454449b14cee11a94d3674a936d5d7b2",
makerAssetAmount: "120745500000000000",
takerAssetAmount: "50000000000000",
feeRecipientAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
expirationTimeSeconds: "100000000600"
Creates an order using an generated quote. This method signs the 0x order using your mnemonic and address provided to the constructor.
Example response:
uid: "77fb963c-6b78-48ce-b030-7a08246e1f9f",
status: "open",
createdAt: 1543510274884,
expiresAt: 100000000000000,
type: "limit",
tokenType: "short",
side: "buy",
price: "2391",
token: "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
tokenAmount: "50000000000000",
tokenAmountFilled: "0",
currency: "0xe7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
currencyAmount: "119550000000000000",
currencyAmountFilled: "0",
postOnly: false,
market: null
Cancels an order. Returns the order that was canceled.
veil.getUserOrders(market: Market, options?: { page?: number, status?: "open" | "filled" | "canceled" | "expired" })
Fetches all orders that you've created in a particular market, including orders that have been filled.
Example response:
results: [
uid: "3e4fd40d-176f-432f-8f0b-d0a600d55a1f",
status: "filled",
createdAt: 1543509213537,
expiresAt: 100000000000000,
type: "limit",
tokenType: "short",
side: "buy",
price: "2293",
token: "0x598b46d68e3e03f810a45d7d8dc9af5afdbafd56",
tokenAmount: "100000000000000",
tokenAmountFilled: "0",
currency: "0xe7a67a41b4d41b60e0efb60363df163e3cb6278f",
currencyAmount: "229300000000000000",
currencyAmountFilled: "0",
postOnly: false,
market: null
fills: [...] // Order fills associated with the order
total: 45,
page: 0,
pageSize: 10000
Requires authentication. Returns the market balances for the authenticated user. Example response:
"longBalance": "10000000000000",
"longBalanceClean": "100000000000000000", // long_balance * market.num_ticks
"shortBalance": "40000000000000",
"shortBalanceClean": "400000000000000000", // short_balance * market.num_ticks
"veilEtherBalance": "200000000000000000",
"etherBalance": "200000000000000000"