Releases: veitner/dancingNumbers
DancingNumbers v1.1.0
DancingNumbers v1.0.1
A ready made version including a simple graphical user interface
To run the program execute the jar or double click the executable (windows users)
The program will create some subfolders (gr and tpl) and attempts to download the latest daily data from (the file format has changed several times during the development of this program - so in case it will substantially change in the future again one has to modify the code)
Select a region you are interested in, press the button go and be patient (the program is neither optimized nor parallelized). The resulting image files are stored in subfolder "gr" and can be watched with an image viewer
Initially the goal was to generate some images and assemble those to an mpeg video for ease of distribution via youtube - but this is to time consuming, therfore the gui-version
Stay healthy
Why did I write this program? To be honest, I do not really know.
Maybe because I was a bit confused about the symmetrical charts shown in the news although the chinese data clearly showed some assymetry.
But for sure because I had to assist/supervise my kids because of the lock down and could hardly concentrate on my usual work.
And I'm even more confused about the published data - but that's nothing which should give me a headache (hmhh - but it does confuse me).
Finally there is no need for documentation or further explanation because all of the used algorithms are common knowledge and described on wikipedia or in students text books.