A collection library of the most frequently used data structures in Go programing language.
go version >= 1.8
gcoll version 2 is released, which supports generic types in Go 1.8.
go get github.com/vence722/gcoll
Use the constructor functions that defines in gcoll namespace to create collection objects. The names of the constructors are straightforward. For example:
list := gcoll.NewLinkedList[int]()
It creates a linked-list of integer type. Then you can use it in a very object-oriented way.
// Insert element
// Retrieve element
obj, ok := list.Get(0)
// Remove element
// Get the size of the collection
s := list.Size()
Now enjoy your programming!
List: ArrayList, LinkedList, Queue, Stack
Queue: LinkedList
Stack: LinkedList
Set: HashSet
Map: HashMap
Heap: ArrayHeap
LRUCache: FifoLRUCache, HitsMapLRUCache