In test resources create file ace-test-settings.yaml with the following structure: (Other possible names: ace-test-settings.yml, ace-test-config.yaml, ace-test-config.yml)
- appName: TestApp1
className: test.app1.Launcher1
- appName: TestApp2
className: test.app2.Launcher2
- dbName: devDb1
url: jdbc:h2:mem:devdb1
schemaFile: schema.sql
- dbName: devDb2
url: jdbc:h2:mem:devdb2
liquibaseConfig: /liquibase/_liquibase.xml
liquibaseContexts: prod
- in
- out
- failed
@CucumberOptions(glue = {"com.github.vendigo.acetest.cucumber"})
public class CucumberTest {
- AceTestSteps are Spring independent, this means you can write your own steps with @ContextConfiguration and use them together.
- Paths to all test folders are exposed to properties foldername.dir and foldername.folder which can be referenced as '${foldername.dir}' (e.g. ${in.dir}, ${out.dir}, ${out.folder}, etc).
- Date format in scenarios: yyyy-MM-dd. For dateTime: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm.
- String can be quoted with "".
- There are placeholders {null} and {empty} (empty String).
- Db assertion ignores order, File assertion - does not.
- Folder assertion ignores order.
- All Strings in data tables are trimmed. Use quotation to work around this (e.g. "I need this spaces ").
- Exception matching checks on 'contains' in "ExceptionClass: exceptionMessage".
- Don't forget to add empty property file in test resources to satisfy Spring @PropertySource.
- Table and column names are case-insensitive
- Locate .feature file under the same folder structure as TestLauncher or specify feature option in @CucumberOptions
See AceTestSteps.java
- "^Properties:$"
- "^Table (.*) is empty$"
- "^(.*) table (.*) is empty$" - dbName, tableName
- "^Table (.*) with records:$" - tableName, dbRecords
- "^(.*) table (.*) with records:$" - dbName, tableName, dbRecords
- "^File (.*) in folder (.*) with lines:$" - fileName, folderName, fileRows
- "^Application (.*) runs with params: '(.*)'$" - appName, params
- "^Application (.*) runs$" - appName
- "^Application (.*) runs with params: '(.*)', it fails with exception: (.*)$" - appName, params, expectedException
- "^Application (.*) runs, it fails with exception: (.*)$" - appName, expectedException
- "^Table (.*) will have records:$" - tableName, dbRows
- "^(.*) table (.*) will have records:$" - dbName, tableName, dbRows
- "^Table (.*) will be empty$" - tableName
- "^(.*) table (.*) will be empty$" - dbName, tableName
- "^Folder (.*) will have files: (.*)$" - folderName, fileNames (e.g. 'file.txt, file2.txt')
- "^Folder (.*) will be empty$" - folderName
- "^File (.*) in folder (.*) will have lines:$" - fileName, folderName, fileLines
Feature: Sample
Given Properties:
| db.driverClassName=org.h2.Driver |
| db.url=jdbc:h2:mem:devdb |
| input.dir=${in.dir} |
| output.dir=${out.dir} |
Scenario: Population of product.csv and country filtering
Given Properties:
| area.limit=400000 |
And Table Country is empty
And File countries.csv in folder in with lines:
| name, capital, currency, region, area, independenceDay |
| Ukraine, Kyiv, UAH, Europe, 603700, 1991-08-24 |
| Germany, Berlin, EUR, Europe, 357021, |
| France, Paris, EUR, Europe, 643801, |
And Table Product with records:
| id | name | description | price | insertDate | lastUpdateTime |
| 1 | Mi Band 1s | Fitness band from Xiaomi, 1nd generation | 949.99 | 2016-05-20 | 2016-11-05 20:00 |
| 2 | Mi Band 2 | Fitness band from Xiaomi, 2nd generation | 429.00 | 2015-02-22 | 2016-11-06 16:30 |
| 3 | Xiaomi Huami Amazfit Watch | {empty} | 4499 | 2016-11-02 | 2016-11-02 10:35 |
When Application TestApp runs
Then Table Country will have records:
| name | capital | currency | region | area | independenceDay |
| Ukraine | Kyiv | UAH | Europe | 603700 | 1991-08-24 |
| France | Paris | EUR | Europe | 643801 | {null} |
And Folder out will have files: products.csv
And File products.csv in folder out will have lines:
| id,name,description,price,insertDate,lastUpdateTime |
| 1,Mi Band 1s,"Fitness band from Xiaomi, 1nd generation",949.99,2016-05-20,2016-11-05 20:00 |
| 2,Mi Band 2,"Fitness band from Xiaomi, 2nd generation",429.00,2015-02-22,2016-11-06 16:30 |
| 3,Xiaomi Huami Amazfit Watch,,4499.00,2016-11-02,2016-11-02 10:35 |
See tests in this repo and more examples here: ace-test-examples