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Releases: vercel/next.js


21 Dec 22:55
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v13.0.8-canary.3 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Disable Image Optimization API when next.config.js has unoptimized: true: #44205
  • Honour distDir in type generation: #44207
  • Only once for the next/head usage in app dir: #44233
  • Enable allowMiddlewareResponseBody by default: #44224
  • Move modularizeImports out of experimental: #44240
  • Update config validation for latest turbopack changes: #44223
  • build(cargo): update turbopack: #44241

Documentation Changes

  • Write tests for navigation between app-dir and pages: #43881
  • Add docs for middleware flags: #44235

Misc Changes

  • Move tests into their test folder: #44183
  • Add test checking that repeated edits won't cause hydration issues: #44189
  • Update labeler.json with current next.js team members: #44231


Huge thanks to @styfle, @jankaifer, @shuding, @huozhi, @timneutkens, @sokra, and @kwonoj for helping!


20 Dec 22:19
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v13.0.8-canary.2 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Fix crash in GraalVM: #44176
  • Also check error.message as digest for recoverable errors in pages: #44185
  • Move options to stable: #44195
  • Move transpilePackages out of experimental: #44194
  • Fix CSS resources being duplicated in app dir: #44168
  • Add telemetry for stable features: #44201
  • Add warning for experimental flags that have moved: #44202
  • build(cargo): bump up turbopack: #44206
  • Bump @vercel/nft@0.22.6: #44193

Documentation Changes

  • docs: fix spelling error: #44191

Misc Changes

  • Fix pnpm install on Azure: #44179
  • Enable ReactRefreshLogBox scss test: #44180
  • Increase recommended git clone depth: #44181
  • Document how chain works in BrowserInterface and chain to browser.eval: #44085
  • Remove browser.refresh in app tests: #44186


Huge thanks to @Brooooooklyn, @hanneslund, @jankaifer, @huozhi, @gish, @shuding, @kwonoj, and @styfle for helping!


20 Dec 01:27
Choose a tag to compare
v13.0.8-canary.1 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Add tracing for testing tools: #44046
  • Run packing in tests in parallel: #44048
  • feat: app dir error-global component: #44066
  • Fix ignoring dev warning for preload component: #44065
  • refactor(next-swc): introduce next-binding to consolidate dependencies.: #43473
  • Add lodash to server components external packages: #44022
  • Fix dev session stopped handling: #44112
  • Add jsdoc/no-types eslint rule for TypeScript files: #44049
  • Revert "Remove useState from next/image (#43587)": #44094
  • should not contain pages css in app dir: #44151
  • Upgrade undici to 5.14.0 to fix fetch redirect bug: #44133
  • build(cargo): fix turbopack + next-swc build: #43983
  • Align onRecoverableError callback between pages and app dir: #44161
  • build(cargo): update turbopack: #44167
  • Update styled-jsx: #44070

Documentation Changes

  • docs: Add explanation about font-display: #44001
  • Test that adding query can be detected by useSearchParams: #43969
  • Add static test for useSelectedLayoutSegments: #43955
  • Docs: Update with Firebase, Amplify and Cloudflare: #44092
  • Add test for rewriting in middleware in app-dir: #43971
  • docs: Add missing type to import statement: #44111
  • docs: update next/dynamic docs: #44067
  • Update for server-side only: #43374

Example Changes

  • Updates with-supertokens example: #44042
  • Fix styled-components setup in turbo example: #44165

Misc Changes

  • Remove extra turbo test: #44073
  • Implement new core test API: #44086
  • Refactor more tests to createNextDescribe: #44104
  • Add types as a default dependency into tests: #44140
  • Suggest contributors to use shallow clone: #44158
  • Update pnpm new-test to use createNextDescribe: #44147
  • Update README templates to include snippet on next/font: #44088
  • Wrap CSS variable in var: #44153
  • Ensure next.url is used instead of next.appPort: #44163
  • test: add test for notFound during streaming: #44078
  • Fix test template example: #44170
  • Remove devcontainer network host argument: #44157


Huge thanks to @hanneslund, @rishabhpoddar, @jankaifer, @huozhi, @timneutkens, @kwonoj, @IamManchanda, @styfle, @nyedidikeke, @jaslong, @jueungrace, @longzheng, and @akshitsinha for helping!


15 Dec 19:55
Choose a tag to compare
v13.0.8-canary.0 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Fix windows slashes for app client entry: #44052
  • Hash both pitch and main loader for server CSS imports: #44063

Misc Changes

  • Run packing in tests in parallel
  • Revert "Run packing in tests in parallel"


Huge thanks to @shuding for helping!


16 Dec 06:13
Choose a tag to compare

Core Changes

  • Update react next tag: #43617
  • fix(jest): pattern when detecting packages to transpile in next/jest: #43546
  • Adding head element checking for root layout: #43597
  • Revert: 'Minimized runtime errors in app dir': #43648
  • fix: properly handle trailingSlash: true and rewrites: #43641
  • @next/font fallback fonts order fix: #43633
  • Update cache handling for app: #43659
  • Remove resolved app directory todos: #43672
  • Fix typo in comment: #43685
  • perf: disable prefetching for links in viewport in development for app routes: #43730
  • Remove additional <div> at each segment level in app: #43717
  • Revert "Adding head element checking for root layout": #43760
  • fix ci pnpm lock error: #43767
  • Force reflow when setting scrollBehavior: #43673
  • Remove __webpack_exports__ from error overlay: #43715
  • Fix chunk hash logic in hot-reloader for server components: #43778
  • Assign layer to app client entries: #43197
  • Remove notifications emitted during pnpm dev: #43801
  • Display error digest if presented: #43742
  • Fix HMR issue after patching the client module: #43819
  • Implement loadable with lazy and suspense for next dynamic: #42589
  • Do not attach CSS checksum for production build: #43827
  • Provide error hints for invalid layout props via the TS plugin: #43835
  • Refactor code: #43828
  • Unhandled errors and rejections opens as minimized in app dir error overlay: #43844
  • docs: add readme with development instructions for next/swc: #43834
  • Use proxy to ensure Flight is referencing to the latest module during development: #43823
  • memory: fix 2 memory leaks in next-dev: #43859
  • Refactoring in @next/font: #43848
  • build(cargo): bump up swc_core, turbopack: #43652
  • Move prefetch bailout to start of the prefetch function for pages: #43731
  • Alias next/head to noop for rsc and add upgration warning: #43885
  • Update freebsd build: #43866
  • Fix error message for invalid runtime option in app dir: #43900
  • fix: forwarding props to no ssr dynamic: #43901
  • Improve type checking error message for invalid props: #43903
  • Improve type checking error message for invalid props: #43903
  • Support for named slots in type checking: #43906
  • Fix next/dynamic types for resolving named export module: #43923
  • Add auto completion for prop names and types to the TS plugin: #43909
  • Skip creating VSCode config and .gitignore if running in CI: #43935
  • Add helpful error for createContext used in Server Components: #43747
  • Increase stack trace limit on the server: #43800
  • Refactor image optimization util: #43868
  • useSearchParams - bailout to client rendering during static generation: #43603
  • Open server component errors fullscreen: #43887
  • next-dev: restart dev server exceeds the memory limits: #43958
  • Fix: status log when NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED env is set: #43948
  • Erase dynamic ssr:false imports on server: #43974
  • use a function expression to access arguments binding: #43987
  • Added support for query params on not found pages: #43836
  • Update no-img-element lint rule: #43982
  • Fix: fix pages in Route Groups returning 500 with output: "standalone": #43746
  • Add default head for app dir: #43963
  • Fix browser navigation buttons not working with shallow routing and middleware: #43919
  • Fast refresh should recover from event handler errors in app dir: #43882
  • Fix module error for findDOMNode on edge: #43998
  • Adding data attr to inlined font definition: #44008
  • Replace for core compilation: #44027
  • Fix .images.remotePatterns[0].port warning: #44032
  • Fix app client entry key for windows: #44011
  • feat: enables 'edge' as a possible runtime for API routes: #44045

Documentation Changes

  • docs: Add notes about NEXT_MANUAL_SIG_HANDLE: #43686
  • Changes vercel/examples links from linking to GitHub repo to template marketplace: #43780
  • docs(migrating): fix broken react-router link: #43843
  • Update #43872
  • Add docs for missing support on custom routes: #44007
  • docs: fix wording: #44020
  • not ie 11 is dead: #44029

Example Changes

  • Add with-cloudinary example: #43250
  • examples(with-turbopack): Fix styling page default active stylingNav: #42739
  • Fixed broken Cloudinary example: #43646
  • Convert with-why-did-you-render example to TypeScript: #43736
  • chore(examples): Remove deprecated function from chakra: #43784
  • chore(examples): Update convex example: #43741
  • Update dependencies for Convex demo: #43855
  • Convert with-gsap, with-mqtt-js, with-mux-video examples to Typescript: #43874
  • Fix with-webassembly example and convert to Typescript: #43677
  • corrected /examples/github-pages readme: #43766
  • chore: add repro links in "verify canary" comment: #43979
  • Move Google Analytics script to the : #43838

Misc Changes

  • Apply publish step optimizations: #43620
  • Update create-next-app template: #43482
  • Update test config: #43661
  • Update flakey app logbox test: #43682
  • Update flakey GSSP preview test: #43702
  • Fix typos in 1.bug_report.yml: #43697
  • Disable jest autorun in this repo: #43727
  • Build test binary in Docker image: #43745
  • Update bug report template to make it clear we require repro: #43735
  • Add tests for server component HMR: #43779
  • Add tests for rendering null and undefined in RSC: #43768
  • Remove swcMinify from Next config in CNA template: #43782
  • Remove serverComponents from next.conf.js because it's unused: #43805
  • Add test for providing correct params to layouts: #43775
  • Fix test binary generation and update test config: #43790
  • Lock pnpm version during publish: #43820
  • ci(actions): pin prod-test action image: #43748
  • Upgrade playwright to 1.28.1: #43818
  • modify rd email: #43837
  • Test imports of all file types: #43751
  • test: client component under server component with ssr:false: #43853
  • Delete duplicate #43856
  • Clarify e2e dependency on yarn in contributin docs: #43287
  • test: use react latest: #43884
  • Update @next/font data: #43883
  • Update flakey dev context tests: #43951
  • Add VSCode settings and recommended extensions for Next.js repository: #43954
  • Add Web Tooling team to codeowners: #43981
  • Update docs change files list: #43984
  • Fix e2e deploy test setup: #43990


Huge thanks to @Nutlope, @huozhi, @m7yue, @BRKalow, @Andarist, @hanneslund, @jueungrace, @balazsorban44, @ijjk, @mmaaaaz, @Alfred-Mountfield, @soonoo, @jankaifer, @feedthejim, @Brooooooklyn, @shuding, @manovotny, @maxproske, @AnujSsStw, @thomasballinger, @kwonoj, @aaronbrown-vercel, @saseungmin, @styfle, @timneutkens, @aziyatali, @labyrinthitis, @padmaia, @mattpr, @gnoff, @wyattjoh, @aarnadlr, @DuCanhGH, @kleintorres, @janicklas-ralph, @theevilhead, @Nfinished, and @feugy for helping!


15 Dec 11:05
Choose a tag to compare
v13.0.7-canary.7 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Adding data attr to inlined font definition: #44008
  • Replace for core compilation: #44027
  • Fix .images.remotePatterns[0].port warning: #44032
  • Fix app client entry key for windows: #44011
  • feat: enables 'edge' as a possible runtime for API routes: #44045

Documentation Changes

  • Add docs for missing support on custom routes: #44007
  • docs: fix wording: #44020
  • not ie 11 is dead: #44029


Huge thanks to @ijjk, @janicklas-ralph, @theevilhead, @Nfinished, @styfle, @huozhi, and @feugy for helping!


13 Dec 17:24
Choose a tag to compare
v13.0.7-canary.6 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Update no-img-element lint rule: #43982
  • Fix: fix pages in Route Groups returning 500 with output: "standalone": #43746
  • Add default head for app dir: #43963
  • Fix browser navigation buttons not working with shallow routing and middleware: #43919
  • Fast refresh should recover from event handler errors in app dir: #43882
  • Fix module error for findDOMNode on edge: #43998

Example Changes

  • Move Google Analytics script to the : #43838

Misc Changes

  • Fix e2e deploy test setup: #43990


Huge thanks to @styfle, @aarnadlr, @DuCanhGH, @huozhi, @kleintorres, and @hanneslund for helping!


13 Dec 00:14
Choose a tag to compare
v13.0.7-canary.5 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Fix error message for invalid runtime option in app dir: #43900
  • fix: forwarding props to no ssr dynamic: #43901
  • Improve type checking error message for invalid props: #43903
  • Improve type checking error message for invalid props: #43903
  • Support for named slots in type checking: #43906
  • Fix next/dynamic types for resolving named export module: #43923
  • Add auto completion for prop names and types to the TS plugin: #43909
  • Skip creating VSCode config and .gitignore if running in CI: #43935
  • Add helpful error for createContext used in Server Components: #43747
  • Increase stack trace limit on the server: #43800
  • Refactor image optimization util: #43868
  • useSearchParams - bailout to client rendering during static generation: #43603
  • Open server component errors fullscreen: #43887
  • next-dev: restart dev server exceeds the memory limits: #43958
  • Fix: status log when NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED env is set: #43948
  • Erase dynamic ssr:false imports on server: #43974
  • use a function expression to access arguments binding: #43987
  • Added support for query params on not found pages: #43836

Documentation Changes

Example Changes

  • Convert with-gsap, with-mqtt-js, with-mux-video examples to Typescript: #43874
  • Fix with-webassembly example and convert to Typescript: #43677
  • corrected /examples/github-pages readme: #43766
  • chore: add repro links in "verify canary" comment: #43979

Misc Changes

  • Update @next/font data: #43883
  • Update flakey dev context tests: #43951
  • Add VSCode settings and recommended extensions for Next.js repository: #43954
  • Add Web Tooling team to codeowners: #43981
  • Update docs change files list: #43984


Huge thanks to @shuding, @huozhi, @aziyatali, @maxproske, @labyrinthitis, @hanneslund, @styfle, @timneutkens, @feedthejim, @padmaia, @mattpr, @balazsorban44, @gnoff, and @wyattjoh for helping!


09 Dec 15:06
Choose a tag to compare
v13.0.7-canary.4 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Provide error hints for invalid layout props via the TS plugin: #43835
  • Refactor code: #43828
  • Unhandled errors and rejections opens as minimized in app dir error overlay: #43844
  • docs: add readme with development instructions for next/swc: #43834
  • Use proxy to ensure Flight is referencing to the latest module during development: #43823
  • memory: fix 2 memory leaks in next-dev: #43859
  • Refactoring in @next/font: #43848
  • build(cargo): bump up swc_core, turbopack: #43652
  • Move prefetch bailout to start of the prefetch function for pages: #43731
  • Alias next/head to noop for rsc and add upgration warning: #43885
  • Update freebsd build: #43866

Documentation Changes

  • docs(migrating): fix broken react-router link: #43843

Example Changes

  • Update dependencies for Convex demo: #43855

Misc Changes

  • modify rd email: #43837
  • Test imports of all file types: #43751
  • test: client component under server component with ssr:false: #43853
  • Delete duplicate #43856
  • Clarify e2e dependency on yarn in contributin docs: #43287
  • test: use react latest: #43884


Huge thanks to @shuding, @aaronbrown-vercel, @jankaifer, @hanneslund, @huozhi, @saseungmin, @styfle, @feedthejim, @thomasballinger, @kwonoj, and @timneutkens for helping!


07 Dec 22:41
Choose a tag to compare
v13.0.7-canary.3 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Revert "Adding head element checking for root layout": #43760
  • fix ci pnpm lock error: #43767
  • Force reflow when setting scrollBehavior: #43673
  • Remove __webpack_exports__ from error overlay: #43715
  • Fix chunk hash logic in hot-reloader for server components: #43778
  • Assign layer to app client entries: #43197
  • Remove notifications emitted during pnpm dev: #43801
  • Display error digest if presented: #43742
  • Fix HMR issue after patching the client module: #43819
  • Implement loadable with lazy and suspense for next dynamic: #42589
  • Do not attach CSS checksum for production build: #43827

Documentation Changes

  • Changes vercel/examples links from linking to GitHub repo to template marketplace: #43780

Example Changes

  • Convert with-why-did-you-render example to TypeScript: #43736
  • chore(examples): Remove deprecated function from chakra: #43784
  • chore(examples): Update convex example: #43741

Misc Changes

  • Update bug report template to make it clear we require repro: #43735
  • Add tests for server component HMR: #43779
  • Add tests for rendering null and undefined in RSC: #43768
  • Remove swcMinify from Next config in CNA template: #43782
  • Remove serverComponents from next.conf.js because it's unused: #43805
  • Add test for providing correct params to layouts: #43775
  • Fix test binary generation and update test config: #43790
  • Lock pnpm version during publish: #43820
  • ci(actions): pin prod-test action image: #43748
  • Upgrade playwright to 1.28.1: #43818


Huge thanks to @jankaifer, @shuding, @manovotny, @hanneslund, @jueungrace, @maxproske, @AnujSsStw, @thomasballinger, @ijjk, and @kwonoj for helping!