Repository for the Project UKF
This project uses the following libraries or applications:
- WSL* (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- CMake
- Visual Studio Code
- C++ Compiler
* Observation: While is not required to be built in WSL, it was develop using it. The integration with CMake makes this project a universal platform project.
The following commands are used to run this project at the main project folder:
cmake -S src/ -B build/
cmake --build build
build/UKF_1 valgrind build/UKF_1
cmake -S src/ -B build-debug/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build-debug
build-debug/UKF_1 valgrind --leak-check=full build-debug/UKF_1
cmake -S src/ -B build-Win/
cmake --build build-Win --config Release
build-Win/UKF_1 valgrind build-Win/UKF_1
cmake -S src/ -B build-Win-debug/
cmake --build build-Win-debug --config Debug
build-Win-debug/UKF_1 valgrind --leak-check=full build-Win-debug/UKF_1
This project is still ongoing and it is not expected to give any correct results yet. It should be able to measure the time needed for each iteration.