A minimalist LISP toy abusing Elixir own syntax.
As with any toy, dont take it to seriously, have fun with it, experiment and learn.
Take a look at the code, I tried to see how far I could get a nano lisp in elixir without any programming :P.
In Elixir you can create blocks by surrounding any number
of expressions between parens and separating them by using
either a new line or ;
# An inline block
iex> {:__block__, _, items} = quote do: (1 ; 2 ; 3)
iex> items
[1, 2, 3]
# Or by breaking lines
iex> {:__block__, _, items} = quote do: (
...> :one
...> 2 ; 3
...> "four"
...> )
iex> items
[:one, 2, 3, "four"]
Now that we know how to create blocks, lets abuse them to evaluate lisp-like expressions.
Notice that BLUE lisp works with Elixir AST directly
and thus it has no reader. Instead, just create
Elixir blocks or lists and feed them to the blue/1
The blue/1
macro takes a single program and works by
transforming its list of items into valid Elixir AST
for function application.
# Call blue with a program
iex> import Blue
iex> (blue 1) == (1) |> blue
# Of course you can call any Elixir function
iex> (blue (is_atom ; "hello"))
# Or call operators by breaking lines
# Remember all this is just valid Elixir syntax
iex> (blue (+
...> 1
...> 2))
# Any atom can be used for calling operators or local functions
iex> (blue (:*; 2; 3))
# Calling remote functions also works
iex> (blue (Macro.camelize ; "blue_velvet"))
# But trying to apply to a non call fails.
# Remember this is just Elixir itself dressed as blue lisp.
iex> (blue (1 ; 2))
** (BadFunctionError) expected a function, got: 1
Sometimes using BLUE's Bracket syntax can be useful, for example when working with Keyword, or just if you prefer not to use Blocks everywhere.
# A list syntax can also be given to blue
iex> (blue [is_atom, :hello])
# And you can alternate between them as
# needed. To turn a list into a LISP program just
# remember to call `blue` with it.
iex> (blue (to_string
...> (blue [tuple_size, hello: :world])
...> ))
All the blue/1
macro does is: given a list of items
it expects the first to be a partial function application
and merely appends the rest of items to it as arguments.
# Keyword.get([hello: "world], :hola, "mundo")
iex> (blue (
...> Keyword.get([hello: "world"])
...> :hola
...> "mundo"
...> ))
# Thats why the anon function wont be called here
iex> (blue (fn -> 9 end)) |> is_function
# The following would produce a compilation error.
# Because `99` would be appended as just another
# argument to the `fn` form, at compile time.
iex> Code.eval_string "
...> import Blue
...> (blue ( fn x -> x end ; 99 ))
...> "
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in anonymous fn/1 in :elixir_fn.expand/3
# To work around this, you can use `Kernel.apply/2`
iex> (blue (apply ; fn x -> x end ; [99] ))
# Same for function references
iex> (blue (apply ; &Macro.underscore/1 ; [Blue.Velvet] ))
Functions in Erlang/Elixir have fixed arity, that is, they cannot take a variable number of arguments. To work around this, the convention is to make functions take a list as last argument.
Using &rest
captures the following items in a list as a single argument.
# Use it on any function taking lists at last argument
iex> (blue (Enum.max; &rest; 4; 3; 8; 2))
# And you can also use it with Bracket syntax
iex> (blue [OptionParser.parse, &rest, "velvet.bv"])
{[], ["velvet.bv"], []}
For example Kernel.apply/2
takes a function and a list of arguments
to apply to it.
iex> (blue (apply; fn x -> x end; [99]))
iex> (blue (apply
...> fn x, y -> x * y end
...> &rest
...> 12
...> 2))
Actually many functions in Elixir take a keyword as last argument, most commonly for options. In these cases it's better to use Bracket LISP as it's much easy to use with keywords.
# same as: OptionParser.parse(["-v", "-v"], [aliases: [v: :verbose], strict: [verbose: :count]])
iex> (blue [
...> OptionParser.parse,
...> &rest, "-v", "-v",
...> &rest, aliases: [v: :verbose], strict: [verbose: :count]
...> ])
{[verbose: 2], [], []}
Can be used to apply 2-arity functions or operators in a lisp-like way.
# will expand to ((1 + 2) + 3) at compile time
iex> (blue [:reduce, :+, 1, 2, 3])
# when used with Elixir's pipe operator
iex> (blue (:reduce
...> :|>
...> 0..5
...> Stream.map(fn x -> x * x end)
...> Enum.reduce(&+/2)
...> to_string
...> ))
Since piping is so common in Elixir :pipe
is a shortcut for [:reduce, :|>, ...]
iex> (blue (:pipe
...> 0..5
...> Stream.map(fn x -> x * x end)
...> Enum.reduce(&+/2)
...> to_string
...> ))
Since normal block syntax is used as function application inside BLUE LISP, the only way to
acutally create a block of multiple expressions is by using the progn
iex> (blue (progn
...> (a = 3 * 4)
...> (min; 20; a)
...> ))
is a convenience that comes handy when using common Elixir forms
iex> (blue _(if, 1 < 2, do: 22))
# if you use Blocks you need to actually write the keyword brackets
iex> (blue (if ; 1 < 2 ; [do: 22]))
# if you use Brackets you need to use &rest to capture the keyword tuples
iex> (blue [if, 1 < 2, &rest, do: 22])
Since BLUE programs use only valid Elixir syntax, you can write LISP programs on ex
The mix format
tool however will not play nicely with lispy aesthetics.
As an example, see blue_test.exs
use Blue, do: (progn
_(defmodule BlueTest, do: (progn
(use ExUnit.Case)
(doctest Blue)