This application consists in selling and buying articles online. each user before selling his article will be obliged to create a user account. to create a post there are fields that are required like the model of your article, the series as well as the state. it can be new or already used... the user can add favorite items on his card and each item added on the card will be calculated in terms of summation so that the user knows how much it is already.
This API is made of three models:
- User model
- Item model
- Card model
- Line_Item Model
The API has the following endpoints:
allow user to authenticate and return a token
POST /users/sign_in
allows user to create an account
POST /users/sign_up
Edit user informations
PUT /users/edit
returns all the items
GET / instruments
allows admin to create an item
POST /instruments/new
returns a specific item
GET /instruments/id
allows admin to edit an item
PUT /instruments/id
allows admin to delete an item
DELETE /instruments/id
- Rails
- Ruby
- Heroku
Here are the steps to follow in order to get this project on your local computer.
rails v7.0.2 +
ruby v3.0.2 +
clone this repo by typing git clone
install the dependencies by typing bundle install
start the local server by running rails s
run the tests by typing bundle exec rspec
👤 Victor Barh
- GitHub: @Vvic778
- Twitter: @victoirBarh
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used !
This project is MIT licensed.