A refreshing way to slim down your markup in Elixir.
SlimFast is an Elixir library for rendering slim templates as HTML.
Easily turn this:
doctype html
meta name="keywords" description="slim fast"
title = site_title
= Enum.map [1, 2], fn x ->
li = x
Into this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="keywords">
<title>Website Title</title>
<div class="class" id="id">
With this:
SlimFast.render(slim, site_title: "Website Title")
To use slim templates (and SlimFast) with Phoenix, please see PhoenixSlim.
Templates can be compiled into module functions like EEx templates, using functions
and SlimFast.function_from_string/5
Feedback, feature requests, and fixes are welcomed and encouraged. Please make appropriate use of Issues and Pull Requests. All code should have accompanying tests.
Please see LICENSE for licensing details.