This library is a react wrapper around PopperJS.
This project is under active development, so apologies if the API changes unexpectedly.
npm install react-popperjs --save
import { Popper, Tooltip } from 'react-popperjs';
const PopperExample = () => (
popoutComponent={<div>Pop me out</div>}
Align the popped element to me
const TooltipExample = () => (
message="tooltip message"
Hover over me for a tooltip
The <Popper />
component is only responsible for attaching the popped out element onto the page, and aligning it properly. It has these props:
type Props = {
arrowColor: string,
arrowSize: number,
children?: any,
hasArrow: any,
isOpen: boolean,
placement: Placement,
popoutComponent: any,
Since tooltips are a major usecase for poppers, this library comes with a default tooltip that shows the tooltip when the parent component is being hovered over. Tooltip takes these props:
type Props = {
arrowColor: string,
arrowSize: number,
children?: any,
forceOpen?: boolean,
message: any,
placement: Placement,
tooltipClassName?: string,
tooltipStyle?: Object,
This project uses React Storybook for demos and examples. Examples are located in stories/index.js
and can be run with npm run storybook