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Upgrading from version 2.x to 3.0

Victor Jonsson edited this page Mar 4, 2015 · 14 revisions

We have since the beginning of 2014 started to work on version 3.0 of Arlima. This is a critical upgrade of the code to make sure that Arlima can be used with future versions of WordPress without having to bend forks with mind-power.

The major changes in the new version can be boiled down to the following:

  • jquery-tmpl has been replaced with Mustache
  • jQuery nestedSortable has been removed. The plugin now only relies on jQuery-UI
  • Some major refactoring of the javascript code in the list manager
  • All previously deprecated functions and arguments are now removed.

The first stable version of Arlima 3.1 will be released some time during the spring of 2015

There should not be any problems to upgrade from version 2.8.6 to 3.1 as long as you don't have custom code that interacts with Arlima, here's what you need to look into if that is the case:

Article templates has to be re-written following the Mustache syntax. You can take a look at article.tmpl shipped with the plugin to get you going. Click here for more info

The article object used in the Arlima filters and the Mustache templates has some renamed properties.

This Wordpress plugin was created by Swedish newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren to give its editorial staff an easy to use tool for customizing the front pages of their online magazines.

Installing Arlima

  1. Download the latest release from github and unzip the folder in your plugin directory.
  2. Open up wp-admin and activate the plugin.
  3. Go to "Article lists" -> "Edit lists" in wp-admin and create your first article list.
  4. Open up a page (or create it) in wp-admin. Down to the right you will see a meta box labeled "Arlima" where you choose the list that you created on step 2.
  5. Go to "Article lists" -> "Manage lists" and start stuffing your article list with interesting content.

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