A simple library to create a typing animation on the pebble.
To use this library, copy the typer.c and typer.h files into your pebble src folder.
* Initialize a typer struct that will hold the data of a given typing animation
* effect.
* Warning: The struct created by this function must be free'd by a call to destroy_typer.
* text: The text that will be typed onto the screen
* tl: The text layer that will hold the typing text
* time: The time (in ms) between "keystrokes"
* onFinish: A callback function that is called upon completion of the typing.
* start_index: The character of the text to begin the animation on.
struct typer_data *init_typer(char* text, TextLayer* tl, int time, void (*onFinish)(), int start_index);
* Frees the data for the given typer_data struct.
* Must call this function for every struct created with init_typer.
* data: The struct that will be free'd.
void destroy_typer(struct typer_data* data);
* Begins the typing animation that is represented by the given data struct.
* data: The animation to start.
void typeTextInTextLayer(void *data);
* Stops a running animation.
* data: The animation that should be stopped.
void typer_cancel(struct typer_data* data);