This project contains the result of the master's project by Amauri Duarte da Silva entitled "Epidemiological Surveillance: Use of Machine Learning to Predict Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Outbreaks" (UFCSPA Mar/2022).
- The "csv Reader" nodes have possible paths to the data sets used. This must be adjusted according to the location of the data sets on your machine.
- The datasets used are in the "KNIME/datasets_examples/" folder.
- The "git_clima_sudeste_v1.0.knwf" and "git_clima_sul_v1.0.knwf" workflows generate the datasets of the average temperatures by region, but do not need to be executed, as the files "media_temperatura_sudeste.csv" and "media_temperatura_sul.csv" are already available. These daasets are input to the "git_project_SG_v8.knwf" workflow.
- The dataset "clean_data_srag_epiweek_W52.csv" is zipped in the file "" due to space limitations on Github. It must be unzipped for use.
- The visualization tool was developed in R using the Shyni library. The application's source code is in the "notificacoes_app" folder.
- This project uses Knime (version 4.4.1) and R language (version 4.2.0) with the Shiny library (version 1.6.0)