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Consists of implementations of various classical and private key cryptographic algorithms.

Table of Contents


The file sets the Extras module globally on the system or the virtual environment on which the code will be running. This to allow access to the supporting modules in the Extras folder.

Make sure to run the following code from the terminal opened in the root folder:

python install

No additional modules except for os, re, and numpy are required for running any of the code.


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  • If you encountered an issue or want to report a bug, following is the Bug Report Template you will be asked to follow.
  • Any new feature requests will also appreciated if it follows the predefined Feature Request Template.

Classical Cryptography Ciphers

1. Shift Cipher

The most basic form of cipher. It involves shifting operation of the plain text to generate cipher text. Based on the key selected from 0 to 25, the alphabet is shifted by that much to obtain the encryted text.

  • The encryption occurs as $C=P+k{\ }(mod{\ }26)$
  • The encryption occurs as $P=C-k{\ }(mod{\ }26)$
encrypt( text="Hello World", key=5 )  
# The function returns following string: "mjqqtbtwqi"

decrypt( text="mjqqt btwqi", key=5 )  
# The function returns following string: "helloworld"

2. Affine Cipher

Affine cipher uses a pair of numbers (a, b) as key where $a, b \in \Z_{26}$. For plain text $P$ and cipher text $C$,

  • The encryption function is defined as $C = a*P + b{\ }(mod{\ }26)$.
  • The decryption function is defined as $P = a^{-1} * (C - b)(mod{\ }26)$.

Note that as we use $a^{-1}$ here and $a\in\Z_{26}$ which a ring. So $a$ must be an invertible element of $\Z_{26}$. Otherwise, decryption is not possible.

encrypt( text="Hello World", key_a=5, key_b=10 )  
# The function returns following string: "tenncqcrnz"

decrypt( text="tennc qcrnz", key_a=5, key_b=10 )  
# The function returns following string: "helloworld"

3. Autokey Cipher

  • Auto-key cipher uses the plain text to generate shift key for the cipher text.
  • The seed key is used to shift the first character of the text. The next character is shifted by the index of the previous character and so on.
  • As it is a shifting operation, all 26 elements in $\Z_{26}$ can be used as keys.
encrypt( text="Hello World", key=5 )
# The function returns following string: "mlpwzkkfco"

decrypt( text="mlpwzkkfco", key=5 )
# the function returns following string: "helloworld"

Autokey Encryption Process

4. Hill Cipher

  • Hill Cipher performs encryption and decryption process using a square matrix as key. Here, $C$ is the cipher text, $P$ is the plain text, and $k$ is the key, all in matrix form.

  • The encryption function is defined as $C = P*k$

  • The decryption function is defined as $P = C*k^{-1}$

The module also contains an additional functionality called findKey which takes a cipher text plain text as input and attempts to find the corresponding encryption matrix using equation $k = P^{-1}*C$

  • Key matrix used is $\begin{bmatrix}3&21&20\4&15&23\6&14&5\end{bmatrix}$
encrypt( plainText="breathtaking", key=[[3,21,20],[4,15,23],[6,14,5]] )
# returns "rupotentoifv"

decrypt( cipherText="rupotentoifv", key=[[3,21,20],[4,15,23],[6,14,5]] )
# returns "breathtaking"

findKey( plainText="breathtaking", cipherText="rupotentoifv" )
# returns the key matrix: [[3,21,20],[4,15,23],[6,14,5]]  

5. Affine-Hill Cipher

Affine-Hill Cipher is the combination of Affine cipher and Hill cipher. Instead of using integers as key elements in affine cipher, we use matrix and vector to perform encryption.

  • The key $k=(a,b)$ is modified to $k=(L,b)$ where $L=[l_{ij}]{n{\times}n}$ and $b=[b{ij}]_{1{\times}n}$.

For the cipher text matrix $C$ and plain text matrix $P$,

  • The encryption process is defined as $C=P{\times}L+b{\ }(mod{\ }26)$.

  • The decryption process is defined as $P=(C-b)*L^{-1}(mod{\ }26)$.

  • using following (L, b) pair for encryption,

$$L=\begin{bmatrix}3&6&4\5&15&18\17&8&5\end{bmatrix} {\ }and{\ } b=\begin{bmatrix}8&13&1\end{bmatrix}$$

encrypt( plainText="adisplayedequation", L=[[3,6,4],[5,15,18],[17,8,5]], b=[8,13,1])
# returns encrypted string "dsrmsioplxljbzullm"

findKey( plainText="adisplayedequation", cipherText="dsrmsioplxljbzullm" )
# returns key pair L=[[3,6,4],[5,15,18],[17,8,5]] and b=[8,13,1]

Private Key Cryptography

1. Substitution Permutation Network (SPN)

As the name suggests, SPN cipher performs two operations, namely, Substitution and Permutation operation on the input bitstream $P$.

  • The Substitution Box $P_S$ maps L-bits long bitstream to another L-bits long bitstream.
  • The Permutation Box $P_P$ contains mapping to permute the given $L*M$ bits long bitstream.
  • This process is repeated for $N$ number of times, each time adding the corresponding round key $K_r$ in the beginning using $XOR$ operation.
  • The decryption process is simply following this steps in reverse for N rounds.
encrypt(x='0010011010110111', Ps, Pp, kr)
# Here Ps, Pp, and Kr are the substitution-box, permutation-box and the list of round-keys respectively.

# The value of N is determined on the basis of size of the list Kr
# The output returned is '1011110011010110' for the example in the code
decrypt(y="1011110011010110", Ps, Pp, Kr)
# Here the Ps, Pp, and Kr are the substitution-box, permutation-box and the list of round-keys respectively used as it is for encryption.
# The corresponding inverses are calculated before actually performing decryption

# The value of N is determined on the basis of size of the list Kr
# The out returns is '0010011010110111' for the example in the code

2. Data Encryption Standard (DES)


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