Converts specified white and black image to ASCII-art.
Usage: AsciiArtGenerator <input_image> [/P] [/B <beta>] [/T <threshold>] [/I <iterations_count>] [/N <threads_number>] [/O <output_file>] Options: /P Use this option to convert the image using the pseudoinverse. /B <beta> Sets 'beta' parameter, that affects cost function (ignored if /P is set). Default value is 2.0. /T <threshold> Sets threshold for maximum activation values. Possible values are from 0.0 to 1.0. Default value is 0.0. /I <iterations_count> Sets number of iterations of an algorithm. Possible values are from 1 to 65535 (ignored if /P is set). Default value is 100. /N <threads_number> Sets maximum threads number. Possible values are from 1 to 65535 (ignored if /P is set). Default value is 1. /O <output_file> Sets name of output HTML file. /? Show help