A basic culinary web application that lets users register, log in, look through recipes and upload their own. Group project for university course "Applicable programming with Java".
- Java (Spring boot) - backend
- Vue.js - frontend
- PostgreSQL - db
A new user can sign up with their name, e-mail and password.
Upon visiting the site, the user is prompted to log in before being able to interact with the recipes.
Our home page welcomes the user with the latest ideas, recipes and quotes.
Then, the user can check our Blog for the admin's choice of the recipe for the week in each category.
A form that lets the user input data for a new recipe and upload it to the site.
Full list of recipes, sorted by most views, with pagination.
A search bar that looks for recipes which include the input text in their names.
The search bar can also look for recipes that use the ingredient typed into it, after choosing "By ingredient" option from the dropdown menu.
A recipe page including the recipe category along with a respective icon, a list of ingredients and quantites, prep time, serving size and instructions.