Trained Recurrent Neural Network with PyTorch to generate verses with stylistic similarity to the provided piece of literature.
2:14 And the LORD is with my strengthen in Samariah, and
him that Seckove and in them, bere was the God of Israel, which was wcords are preveepents all of the tribe earning.
This is an example snipped of a verse generated by this model. Although meaningless, the idea of the project was to see if a Recurrent Neural Network could pick up on the stylistic elements of literature. The only drawback is that with the complexity of an RNN, and the amount of training time, no rhetoric elements or meaning in the piece can be picked up perfectly.
You can replace bible.txt
with another piece of literature to see if the stylistic elements of that piece were also interpreted.
As you can see, the chapter followed by a colon as a prefix to each verse is followed as a pattern when trained for the right number of epochs.
Feel free to play around with what's in this repository!