A small package for manipulating US phone numbers in typescript.
This uses a function factory to return different formats of the number.
npm i nbr
import nbr from 'nbr'
All values are given
const numbers = nbr(18001231234)
"local": "1231234",
"local_dashed": "123-1234",
"domestic": "8001231234",
"domestic_dashed": "800-123-1234",
"domestic_dotted": "800.123.1234",
"domestic_areaParentheses": "(800) 123-1234",
"domestic_areaSpaced": "800 123-1234",
"domestic_areaSpacedParentheses": "(800) 123 1234",
"international": "18001231234",
"international_dashed": "1-800-123-1234"
It'll do what it can, and give null for the rest
const moreNumbers = nbr(8001231234)
"local": "1231234",
"local_dashed": "123-1234",
"domestic": "8001231234",
"domestic_dashed": "800-123-1234",
"domestic_dotted": "800.123.1234",
"domestic_areaParentheses": "(800) 123-1234",
"domestic_areaSpaced": "800 123-1234",
"domestic_areaSpacedParentheses": "(800) 123 1234",
"international": null,
"international_dashed": null