Gem for documenting and configuring RabbitMQ.
It uses the specification files themselves to setup all the exchanges, queues and bindings on RabbitMQ.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rabbitmq-spec'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rabbitmq-spec
You can document your RabbitMQ architecture using this gem DSL.
We suggest to make a new folder called mqspecs and put your RabbitMQ Specification there. You can define everything in one file or split in many files/subfolders.
├── my_app/
│ ├── ...
├── mqspecs/
│ ├── exchange1_mqspec.rb
│ ├── exchange2_mqspec.rb
│ ├── ...
On each mqspec file. You can use the following syntax:
exchange 'exchange-name' do
description 'exchange-description' # optional
# exchange options are forwarded to Bunny Channel#exchanged method
options do
type 'topic'
durable true
# this queue will be binded to the parent exchange
# it will be created if it not exists yet.
queue 'queue-name' do
description 'queue1 description' # optional
routing_key 'my-custom-routing-key' # optional
# queue options are forwarded to Bunny Channel#queue method
options do
durable true
# you can declare queues outside exchanges.
# The setup process will not bind them to anything
queue 'queue-name' do
description 'queue1 description'
options do
durable true
To understand how to use rabbitmq-spec just type the following on your shell after installing the gem:
It will list all the available commands and how to use them. Example:
$ rabbitmq-spec
rabbitmq-spec command [options]
Usage: rabbitmq-spec setup ./mqspec [-u 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672']
Configure RabbitMQ using the mqspecs files.
If you pass a ruby file it will evaluate it.
If you pass a folder it will look for all the files finishing with "_mqspec.rb" and evaluate them.
-h --help show help for rabbitmq-spec
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies.
No additional configuration is needed.
Here we're using Rspec with simplecov and rubocop.
If you have any idea for a feature or have found any bugs feel free to open a new issue at:
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.