Limit of input count in UITextField and UITextView!
pod 'VSInputView'
self.VSTextField.maxLength = 20;
//show a accessory view to show the limit of inputing text.
self.VSTextField.showLimitLengthAccessoryView = YES;
self.VSTextField.placeholder = @"This is textField!";
self.VSTextView.maxLength = 30;
self.VSTextView.placeHolder = @"This is textView!";
self.VSTextView.showLimitLengthAccessoryView = YES;
- (void)vs_limitText {
if (self.maxLength == NSIntegerMax) {
NSInteger currentInputLocation = [self vs_getCurrentInputLocation];
NSInteger inputLength = currentInputLocation - self.preInputLocation;
if (self.text.length > self.maxLength) {
NSMutableString *selfText = [self.text mutableCopy];
NSInteger needDeleteLength = self.text.length - self.maxLength;
//calculate the range of need to be delete in whole text
NSRange needDeleteRange = NSMakeRange(self.preInputLocation + (inputLength - needDeleteLength), needDeleteLength);
[selfText deleteCharactersInRange:needDeleteRange];
self.text = selfText;
self.preInputLocation = [self vs_getCurrentInputLocation];