daemon for the Witty Pi (extension board for the Raspberry Pi)
- you can shutdown the Raspberry with one button push
- or you can restart your Raspberry with a second push
The wittypid (Witty Pi daemon) reacts on an interrupt on the GPIO that is defined with HALT_GPIO. The default HALT_GPIO is wiringX (also wiringPi) GPIO 7 (BCM GPIO 4). For the time the daemon is waiting that the gpio goes stable, the led trigger for the LED (default wittypi_led in sysfs defined in wittypi-overlay.dts) is set to heartbeat (customizeable), so the LED on the Witty Pi board is flashing. After the GPIO goes stable (at least wittypid watch the GPIO for 20 seconds), the led trigger is set to default-on (customizeable). Now the daemon waits for an interrupt on the HALT_GPIO. If you push the button on Witty Pi board only once, the system will shutdown. By a second push within 2 seconds the system will reboot.
- src/wittypid.c - wittypi daemon source code
- systemd/wittypid.service - systemd service file
- wittypid.conf - config file for wittypid (default location /etc)
You should use kernel rpi-4.4y or later, so the dtbo file for the Witty Pi is present and the patches to use the RTC as wakeup-source are included.
To use the RTC you can enable the wittypi-overlay in /boot/config.txt
For example: dtoverlay=wittypi (Please have also a look at this)
type make
to compile from source
and make install
or make install_all
as root to install the files
or manual gcc wittypid.c -o wittypid -Wall -lwiringX -lconfuse
and copy the necessary files to the default locations
- build from source with makepkg PKGBUILD
- or download pre-compiled wittypid-0.5-0-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz and install with pacman
- $
cd /tmp && wget http://milaw.biz/files/wittypid-0.5-0-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
- $
- $