Pure is a PHP fresh and fast micro framework.
Create the project using composer:
composer create-project vitodtagliente/pure ProjectName -s dev
Configure the application edititng the files under app/Config
- app/Config/app.ini contains all the application settings
- app/Config/database.ini contains database connection settings
Generate the project key with the command
php pure app generate:key
Run the application
php -S localhost:8000
To update the framework and all the dependencies, run the following command:
composer update
Each time the file composer.json is changed, run the following command:
composer dump-autoload
Pure follows the MVC pattern, it means that the behaviour is defined by Controllers and routes.
Edit the file app/Routes/web.php and define the application routes:
<?php router()->get('/', 'App\\Controllers\\WelcomeController@index'); ?>
Put controllers into the path: app/Controllers:
<?php namespace App\Controllers; use Pure\Controller; use Pure\Template\View; class WelcomeController extends Controller { function index(){ view('welcome.php'); } } ?>
Define views into app/Views:
<html> <head> <title>pure</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello Pure!</h1> </body> </html>
In pure is easy to add resources to the application. Type the following commands on the shell:
- php pure app make:command ControllerName
- php pure app make:controller ControllerName
- php pure app make:middleware MiddlewareName
- php pure app make:model ModelName
- php pure app make:schema SchemaName
- php pure app make:service ServiceName
Create new Commands add command line functions to your application. All commands are called by
php pure 'command_class_name' argument1 argument2 .... argumentN
Controllers are used to define the behaviour of the application, following the MVC pattern.
Middlewares are not yet implemented (Work in progress)
Models define the datatabase data abstraction, look at Pure ORM Component documentation
Schemas generate database tables. Schemas can be generated automatically by pure startup if they are registered. Schemas can be registered in 2 ways:
Adding the schema class name to the app/Config/app.ini
; put there the Scemas that should be created at startup time ; schemas[]='' schemas[] = 'App\Schemas\UserSchema'
Registering the class name directly to the pure application:
$app = \Pure\Application::main(); $app->registerSchema('App\Schemas\UserSchema');
Services are used to change the application flow
class CustomService extends ApplicationService { public function boot(){ // at the applicatio startup } public function start(){ // before fetching routes } public function stop(){ // at the application exit } }
Like Schemas, Services must be registered to the pure application adding the schema class name to the app/Config/app.ini:
; put there the Application Service classes ; services[]='' services[] = 'App\Services\CustomService'
Install packages using composer and customize the application behaviour. pure works on top of 4 components:
Look at their own Documentation