😋 Projects developed for 'Computer Programming' subject in High School
This was a project developed in High School to learn Java basics concepts with some frameworks, but the speaking language was Portuguese 🇧🇷. The projects are divided by the number of the bimester in High School wich the program was developed. Almost all the projects has about 3 CRUD's (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Elements.
In some projects there is a need to add a framework into the project, the .jar of the framework (wich is JBD) it is in the main directory of the repository.
The main objective of this project was create a system to manage Students and their Subjects/Classes.
The main objective of this project was create a really simple system to manage Products for a Storage.
The main objective of this project was praticing about heritage in Java, for that, it was used the example of Student and Professor, where both of them are at the same time a Person, so they will get properties, features and methods os the Father-Class.
The main objective of this project was praticing and understaning a simple way to login users to a system in Java, for that, it was used the example of Users that can create another Users to Login into the system, is possible to CRUD Brandmakers, Products and Customers.
The main objective of this project was create a connection between two classes in Java, so, you can can CRUD Pokemons and Users, and manage Pokemons created to any User.