With SimHelp you can render a simple help instruction based on your package.json
$ npm install simhelp
// Init Config
var help = require('simhelp'),
pkg = require('./package');
// Program Information
var pnm = pkg.name, // => Sim Help
ver = pkg.version, // => 0.1.4
desc = pkg.description, // => Generate a simple help based on your package.json manifest.
aut = pkg.author.name, // => Vitor Britto
lic = pkg.license, // => MIT
cmd = '<foo> <bar>'; // => <foo> <bar>
// Show Help
.main(pnm, ver, desc, cmd)
.option('h', 'help', 'output help message')
.option('v', 'version', 'output the version number')
.command('foo', 'this is the first command')
.command('bar', 'this is the second command')
.details(aut, lic);
Sim Help - v0.1.0
Renders a simple help based on your package.json manifest.
Usage: simhelp <foo> <bar> [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
foo this is the first command
bar this is the second command
Copyright (c) Vitor Britto
Licensed under the MIT license
MIT License © Vitor Britto