API Blueprint is a powerful high-level API description language for web APIs.
Through that's project it's possible parse .apib
files, get all their properties and generate all files needed to push a new SDK.
NOTE: Blueprint SDK Maker depends on the Drafter library. Please see that repo for build instructions.
To generate standalone phar file, set the following in your php.ini:
; http://php.net/phar.readonly
phar.readonly = Off
If you don't need generate phar
, run Blueprint SDK Maker using the option --no-phar
Download the latest phar
You should put it anywhere that facilitates its accessibility (such /usr/local/bin) and chmod should be 755.
You can even rename it to just the box to avoid having to type the .phar
extension every time.
Run the follow command replacing <filename.apib>
by your .apib
The default output of this command is a directory called build
containing the source of your SDK and a phar (api.phar
) to use your SDK standalone.
blueprint-sdk-maker make <filename.apib>
Create file called test.php
into same directory of api.phar
and run test.php
use BlueprintSdk\Core\Api;
require 'api.phar';
$api = new Api();
$return = $api->Entity->getYourEndpoint('ARGUMENT-X');
Add the content of the follow composer.json
file into composer.json
file of your project replacing <YourGithubAccout>
and <TheProjectName>
for your data and run composer install
"require" : {
"<YourGithubAccout>/<TheProjectName>" : "dev-master"
"repositories" : [{
"type" : "vcs",
"url" : "https://github.com/<YourGithubAccout>/<TheProjectName>"
If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see the document How to Contribute,
Licensed under the MIT License.