TourOpia is the website to get information about famous tourist spots,here you can post about famous place and can see all the famous spots.
Client: React, Redux-toolkit,mdb-react-ui-kit
Server: Node, Express, Jwt, Heroku
User Google Authentication
token is valid only for 1 hour
you can add/update/delete post you have created
Search tours
This is the home page of website from where user can explore all tours.
You can create an account and then login to this website or you can login with google,without login you can't post tour.
Once you login you will be redirected to home page,here you can search tours by their Title and if you click any particular tag you will all tour having same tour.
From here you post a tour by uploading a picture Title and give some tag.
Here you will see all the Tour which you have created you can delete and update any tour form here.
From this project i learned how to work with redux toolkit.